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Mirror Vastu: Mirror Tips As Per Vastu

Mirror Vastu: Mirror Tips As Per Vastu

In which direction of the house, in which shape the mirror is kept, affects the energy of the building and the surroundings. That's why emphasis is laid on its correct use in vastu. Because if vastu defects can be removed by placing a mirror in the right direction, then keeping it in the wrong direction increases the level of negative energy, which can cause loss of health and wealth.

Enter Positive Energy

According to vastu, the flow of positive energy is from east to west and from north to south. That's why mirrors should always be placed on the east and north walls in such a way that the beholder faces east or north. Placing mirrors in these directions increases the opportunities for progress and wealth in life. The mirrors on the walls of the west and south directions reflect the positive energies coming from the east and north directions.

Don't Put It In The Bedroom

Do not put a mirror in the bedroom, doing so leads to a lack of trust in married life. Along with this, mutual differences between husband and wife also increase, and husband and wife may have to face many health-related problems, both husband and wife feel tired throughout the day and laziness remains. If it is necessary to keep a dressing table, then keep it in such a way that the image of the sleeping person is not visible in it or cover it before sleeping. It should also be kept in mind that in the place where the mirror is kept, there should be no reflection of things that increase the negative effect.

Be Careful In The Bathroom

People put a mirror in the bathroom to see themselves after washing their face or taking a bath. According to vastu science, while placing a mirror in the bathroom, it should be kept in mind that the mirror should not be right in front of the door. Mirror's job is to reflect when we enter the bathroom both positive and negative energies enter the bathroom with us. when we wake up the amount of negative energy is high, having a mirror in front of the door whatever energy enters the bathroom with us, return back to the house. To remove the negative effect, the mirror should be installed in the bathroom in such a way that its reflection is not outside the bathroom.

Vastu Tips To Get Happiness

  • The mirror should never be placed on the west or south wall. It has a bad effect on the one who sees it. there will always be discord in the house.

  • According to vastu, the mirror should always be kept in the east or north direction. Keeping it in this direction brings happiness and prosperity to the house.

  • Never keep broken glass in the house. if the glass present in your house is broken even a little, then it should be thrown away immediately. Otherwise, the negative energy will increase further.

  • The mirror should never be kept dirty. according to vastu, dirty glass increases negative energy in the house.

  • If there is a mirror in the bedroom, always keep it in such a direction that no part of your body is visible in it while sleeping. According to vastu, it is believed that having such a mirror has a bad effect on a person's health.

  • If there is no other direction in your bedroom, then put some cloth in the mirror while sleeping at night. this will reduce its effectiveness.

  • According to vastu, while placing mirrors in the house, keep in mind that the mirrors should not be in front of each other. Because this will create tension in the house.

  • While placing the mirror in the bathroom, keep in mind that it should not be right in front of the door. looks like a vastu defect.

  • Pointed-shaped mirrors should never be installed in the house. because such mirrors are considered inauspicious.

  • According to vastu, keeping a mirror in the kitchen is not considered auspicious. so don't plant it at this place.


According to vastu, the flow of positive energy is from east to west and from north to south. that's why mirrors should always be placed on the east and north walls in such a way that the beholder faces east or north. If you want to know more about mirrors then you can talk to Online Astrology Consultations.


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