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Fish Aquarium Vastu: Vastu Direction and Effects of Fish Aquarium at Home

Fish Aquarium Vastu: Vastu Direction and Effects of Fish Aquarium at Home

According to Vastu, things kept at home can affect a person's life. If the things kept at home are according to Vastu, then positivity remains in the house. But if things are not according to Vastu, then a person may have to face a series of problems in his life and negative energy starts spreading at home. Talking about fish aquariums, nowadays the trend of keeping aquariums at home has increased a lot. Fish Aquarium not only increases the beauty of the house but is also related to the health of the person and the condition of the house.

If you are thinking of bringing a fish aquarium at home or you already have a fish aquarium at home, then you must know about the direction and rules for keeping it. 



Fish Aquarium Vastu Rules


If there is an aquarium at home, then its water has to be changed daily from time to time. If you do not change the water, then it hinders the progress of the house.


  • Also, keep in mind that the water in the aquarium should not remain stagnant. Due to this, the economic condition of the house also becomes stable.

  • Too many or too few fish should not be kept in the fish aquarium.

  • According to Vastu keeping 9 fishes in the aquarium is considered most auspicious.

  • Aquariums should never be kept in the kitchen. Due to this, there is unrest at home and discord-conflicts increase among the family members.

  • Do not keep the fish aquariums in the bedroom as well.



In which direction to keep the fish aquarium



The fish aquarium is filled with water. It is considered best to keep things related to water in the northeast direction of the house. This increases wealth and positive energy circulates at home. Apart from this, keeping the fish aquarium in the north direction of the house is also considered auspicious. If you keep the aquarium on the left side of the main door of the house, it can increase love in married life.



Where To Keep Fish Aquarium 



bedroom, kitchen, and then in the middle of the house. Due to this, negative energy enters the house. The best direction to keep an aquarium is considered to be east, north, or northeast. Keeping an aquarium in this direction brings positive energy to the house, the relationship between husband and wife remains sweet and wealth is maintained. It should be placed on the left side of the main door. By keeping it on the right side, the mind of the man of the house becomes fickle.



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Fish Dead Sign  


If one of these fish dies, it is taken to mean that the fish takes upon itself the crisis that comes upon you. 


Five Elements 


Five elements earth, water, pebble-stone, air, fire, etc. are included in the fish aquarium. Water remains in the aquarium, golden or orange fish in the form of fire, and pebbles are also present in the aquarium. That's why it is considered very auspicious to keep an aquarium at home. 


Take Care 


The happier the fish, the more happiness, prosperity, and happiness will come to your home. That's why keep cleaning the aquarium from time to time and feed the fish.


It is a belief that keeping colorful fish at home averts the problems faced by the members. Feng Shui says that fish attract wealth and take any disaster upon themselves. According to Vastu, it is considered auspicious to keep a fish aquarium in the east, north, and east-north direction at home or office. The northern part of the house represents career and the eastern part represents prosperity. To maintain mutual love in married life, it is placed on the left side of the main door.




The water kept in the fish aquarium shows life. The flowing water in the aquarium reflects positive energy. This makes your life calm and vibrant. According to Vastu Shastra, it is necessary to keep the aquarium in the southwest direction of the living room. You can talk to astrologers to know about the direction of keeping a fish aquarium.

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