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Breaking Of Glass According To Vastu

Breaking Of Glass According To Vastu

Every person uses things made of glass in his house. We all also use mirrors at home. Sometimes due to some reason, these glass things get broken. Many people ignore it, but people consider it inauspicious to break a mirror in the house. There are many beliefs prevalent in Hinduism regarding the breaking of mirrors since ancient times. Some people just ignore these beliefs considering their superstitions. On the other hand, some people think about the auspicious and inauspicious signs associated with it.

Breaking Glass Is Good Or Bad

According to Vastu Shastra, breaking of any glass item or mirror at home can have many meanings. It has been told in Vastu Shastra that due to the breaking of glass, there can be a big crisis for the members of the house, but some people also believe that if any glass breaks in the house, it means that your house will be destroyed. The impending crisis was averted.

Why Should Not Keep Broken Glass?

Many times it is seen that some people use the mirror kept in the house even after it is broken, but keeping a broken mirror or glass in the house is considered inauspicious. It is believed that by keeping the broken glass in the house, negative energy starts to reside in the house. In such a situation, if a glass or glass breaks in a person's house, then it should be thrown out of the house immediately.

The Inauspicious Sign Also Gives Broken Glass

Breaking glass is an auspicious sign, but keeping broken or cracked glass in the house is considered very inauspicious. It is believed that by keeping the broken glass in the house, positive energy goes out of the house and negative forces start entering the house. Broken glass kept in the house brings many problems with it. If suddenly a glass breaks in the house, it should be quietly thrown out of the house.

Keep These Things In Mind

If you are going to buy a mirror from the market, then keep in mind that the mirror should not be round or oval. It is believed that this type of mirror can convert positive energy into negative energy in the house.

Before placing a mirror in the house, keep in mind that the frame of the mirror should not be gaudy or brightly colored. The color of the frame of the mirror placed in the house should always be light.

  • According to Vastu Shastra, if the glass or mirror installed in the house suddenly breaks (Broken Mirror), it means that the mirror has taken over any crisis coming to the house and the problem has been averted and the broken glass should be removed immediately.

  • If the glass of the window or door suddenly breaks or cracks in the house, then it is not a bad omen, but it can be a sign that after a few days, some good news or money is going to come to your house. is about to arrive.

  • According to the Shastra of Vastu, the sudden breaking of glass or mirrors can also mean that any old deadlock or dispute going on in the house ends, or if a person is sick, then their health starts to recover gradually.

However, keep in mind that if any glass or mirror kept in the house breaks, then instead of making unnecessary noise or hue and crying about it, quietly clean the glass pieces and throw them outside the house.

According to Vastu Shastra, while buying a mirror or mirror, also keep in mind that do not keep round or oval-shaped glass in the house. Such a mirror transforms the positive energy of the house into negative energy. Therefore, as far as possible, install only square-shaped mirrors in the house.


Everything related to the house has been explained in Vastu Shastra. According to Vastu, the presence or absence of these things kept in the house has special significance, which affects the life of a person. Although sometimes some things are also related to science. In such a situation, talk about auspicious and inauspicious signs, then you and all of us have been listening to these things since childhood. Like the crying of a cat, the crow cawing on the roof, the crying of a dog, seeing a snake in a dream, or cutting the way of a cat. There is not one but many such signs, which are associated with auspicious and inauspicious beliefs. One of these is breaking of glass is auspicious or inauspicious talk to astrology to know more about it.

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