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Ashoka Tree Vastu: Asopalav Tree Direction As Per Vastu

Ashoka Tree Vastu: Asopalav Tree Direction As Per Vastu

Plants add beauty to the house. It is also believed that Vastu defects are removed from the plants of the house. Even in Hindu scriptures, the mention of trees is found in something similar, which is used in worship lessons to the decoration of the house. One such tree is Ashoka. There is an Ashoka tree which you all must have seen planted on the side of the road. Here we are telling you that there are some rules of Vastu regarding this tree that need to be kept in mind.



Right Direction Of The Ashoka Tree



It is said that Ashoka's plant should not be planted inside the house. But if you plant this tree in the left corner of the door of the house, then it brings wealth. Its leaves are used in any auspicious work. It is considered beneficial to plant it in the north direction around the house.



Vastu Tips For Asopalav Tree And Benefit


  • As the name itself suggests, this plant absorbs grief in itself. Due to this, all the negative energies go away. It is believed that if this tree is planted around your house, then you will not get sorrow and poverty around you. Ashoka's plant helps in removing mental stress. Along with this, Vastu also removes defects.

  • The Ashoka tree is regarded as an emblem of energetic positivity. It is considered auspicious to tie a Bandanwar on the main door of the house with Ashoka leaves. In the house around which there is an Ashoka tree, evil forces do not reside there.

  • As per Vastu, the Ashoka tree is considered to boost both mental and physical vitality. Ashoka tree is fruitful in removing Vastu dosh in the house. Scriptures state that planting an Ashoka tree in the corner near the main entrance of one's home brings wealth.

  • It is believed that in the house where there is an Ashoka tree, all the work gets finished without any problem. Its leaves are specially used in auspicious works in the house. Plant it in the north direction of the house or nearby only then you will get its full benefits.

  • Vastu Shastra mentions numerous remedies utilizing the root of the Ashoka tree. It is believed that on an auspicious time, take out its small root and clean it with the water of the Ganges. By keeping this root at the place of worship, Vastu defects get eliminated.



Remedies For Ashoka Tree



  • It is assumed that in a house where there is an Ashoka tree, all the work gets completed without any problem. Ashoka tree leaves are specially used in positive works. Plant it in or around the house in the north direction, only then you will get its full benefits. Vastu defects are removed by keeping the root of the Ashoka tree at the place of worship.

  • In the house where there is an Ashoka tree, all the work is completed very easily. In these houses, the works are completed in an auspicious manner without any hindrance. Vastu defects are removed by keeping the root of the Ashoka tree at the place of worship.




The Ashoka tree has been considered very sacred and beneficial in Hinduism. The literal meaning of Ashoka is - there should be no grief of any kind. Ashoka leaves are used in auspicious and religious works. It is believed that planting the Ashoka tree in one's home or carrying its root during a propitious time grants relief from all troubles and sorrows. If you want to get more knowledge about Ashoka Tree Vastu, then Online Astrology Consultations will help you.

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