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Ancestors Photo Direction: Dead Person Photo As Per Vastu

Ancestors Photo Direction: Dead Person Photo As Per Vastu

Photos of our ancestors ie dead ancestors are definitely kept in our house. It is believed that the pictures of the ancestors not only bring happiness and prosperity in the house but also the blessings of the ancestors remain on the people of the house. For this reason, some people keep pictures of ancestors in the living room of the house while some people keep them near the bedroom or place of worship. People also remember their ancestors regularly.

But have you ever thought that keeping the picture of ancestors in the house also has its own special direction and if the picture of ancestors is not kept in the right direction, then instead of bringing happiness and peace in the house, you may have to face problems? Which place is suitable for placing the picture of ancestors and for this what rules of Vastu should be followed?

Pitru Photo Direction In Home

Those who leave their body during death enter the world of ancestors called Pitru Loka. According to the ancient scriptures of our late ancestors, it has been placed in the form of Lord Vishnu. Who always look towards us and give us the necessary blessings for our happy and prosperous life. According to Vaastu Purush Mandal, ancestors have been given a special place. See the image of Vastu Purusha Mandal below. According to Vedic Vastu Shastra, one has to place the Pitru Gana place mentioned on the Vastu Purusha Mandal.

Dead Person Photo As Per Vastu

Frame On Shelf

If you keep the pictures of ancestors anywhere in your house, then you have to keep in mind that those pictures should always be kept on a shelf or cupboard in a frame. It is believed that the picture of ancestors should never be kept hanging on the wall. By doing this, the ancestors are insulted and their blessings are not received, but it also causes Pitra Dosha.

Don't Post More Than One Picture

It is often seen that while putting pictures of ancestors, we put many pictures of the same ancestor at different places in the house. Whereas the picture of the same ancestor should not be put more than once. By doing this, the ancestors get angry and discord and distress start in the house.

Don't Forget To Put Pictures Of Ancestors In These Places

According to Vastu Shastra, always keep the picture of ancestors in such a place, where outsiders cannot see them. It is believed that if an outsider looks at the pictures of ancestors, it increases the negative energy in the house. That's why don't keep the picture of ancestors in the living room of the house. Apart from this, pictures of ancestors should not be kept in the bedroom of the house. Negativity arises due to the sight of an outsider.

Do Not Keep Pictures Of Ancestors At The Place Of Worship

It is believed that the place of ancestors is equal to God but one should never worship the picture of ancestors along with God. In Vastu Shastra, the place of God and father is different, so do not keep the picture of God and father in the same place. Placing pictures of ancestors in the place of worship can lead to obstacles in life. Not only this but by doing this, an atmosphere of unrest can also be created in the family. Not only this, in Vastu Shastra, the picture of living people should never be placed along with the picture of ancestors. By doing this, the life of living people can also be reduced and their life can be in danger.

In Which Directions Should The Pictures Of Ancestors Be Placed?

According to Vastu, the picture of ancestors should always be placed in the north direction. Since the north direction is considered to be the direction of the forefathers, by placing a picture in the north direction, the picture faces the north direction. That's why the pictures of ancestors should be placed in such a way that the face of the picture should be towards the north direction. At the same time, the pictures should never be placed on the north and west walls. Even by doing this, the happiness and prosperity of the house start getting damaged.


According to Vastu Shastra, always put the pictures of ancestors on the north walls so that their vision is towards the north. The north direction is considered to be the direction of Yama and their ancestors, it protects them from untimely death and distress. Along with this, the pictures should be placed in the rooms of the north part, in the northeast, or in a place that is free from direction defects. If you do not know more details, then you can talk to the online astrology consult.

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