Aloe vera is called Gwarpatha, Ghrit Kumari, or Kwargandal. This plant has many medicinal properties. It is installed in many homes. It is also useful in pain relievers, burns, injuries, arthritis, chronic fever, skin diseases, asthma, diseases of the stomach and intestines, and in reducing cholesterol and diseases like cancer. Let's know the Vastu of the Aloe vera plant.
Aloe Vera Plant Direction As Per Vastu
It has been told in Vastu Shastra that having an Aloe Vera plant in the house is very beneficial. Planting the Aloe Vera plant in the house improves the oxygen level. Happiness and prosperity come into this house. According to Vastu Shastra, the aloe vera plant should always be kept in the east or north direction for positivity in the house.┬а
Benefits Of Aloe Vera Plant
It is very auspicious to plant an aloe vera plant in the house. Planting this plant at home increases luck.
This plant helps remove all kinds of obstacles coming in life or success.
If you are not getting progress in your job even after hard work, then you can plant an aloe vera plant at home. Aloe vera plant removes any kind of problems in getting a job and in the workplace. Aloe vera is considered very auspicious in the eyes of Vastu Shastra, you can plant it in any part of the house. At the same time, tell that aloe vera is also good for the skin.
Best Vastu Tips For Aloe Vera Plant
According to Vastu Shastra, if you plant this plant in the house, then it is auspicious for you. It is believed that planting this plant in the house, this plant brings luck and growth and also gets rid of all the obstacles in your life. Apart from this, you can keep this plant in any direction in the house because aloe vera does not bring any kind of defect.
Apart from this, it is also believed that if you plant this plant in the west direction of the house, then your health will also be fine and you will not feel tired. Apart from this, luck is also always with you by planting this plant in this direction.
It is also believed that if you have any kind of problem with the rays of the sun, like spots on your face because of it, then plant an aloe vera plant in the east of the house.
Apart from this, if you have any problem related to the skin, then you can peel the aloe vera and remove the gel from it and apply it on your skin. With this, you get rid of the screen problem.
Being engaged in it in the house makes the atmosphere positive.
The effect of aloe vera is hot, so use it wisely.
Do not water this plant excessively and keep it in bright sunlight, then it will grow well.
If you have to travel frequently from one place to another and you are very tired of that, then by planting an aloe vera tree in the west direction, your tiredness will go away and your luck will support you at every step.
According to Vastu Shastra, planting an Aloe vera tree in the house is considered very auspicious and it gives us many benefits. There will be no shortage of money grains and it is believed that by planting aloe vera plants, we also get rid of many types of diseases. If you want to get more information about the Aloe Vera plant Vastu, then Online Astrology Consultations will help you.