Saturn-Rahu Conjunction: 5 Zodiac Signs Should be Careful Till 29 March 2025
According to astrological calculations, Saturn has recently turned direct in Aquarius and will now transit in the year 2025. Saturn will enter Pisces on 29 March 2025, at 10:07 pm. Rahu planet is already present here. In such a situation, Rahu and Saturn are conjoined in Pisces, due to which Pishacha Yoga is being formed. Due to this yoga, some zodiac signs may have to face financial loss and loss in business.
The effect of Saturn-Rahu conjunction has its own effect on all zodiac signs. It is said that people who do good deeds get to see its auspicious effect. But during this, you have to be especially careful. We know from astrologer Chirag Bejan Daruwalla that people of which zodiac sign have to be especially careful during this period.
Saturn -Rahu's Alliance will be Heavy for These Zodiac Signs
According to astrology, the problems of people born under the Cancer zodiac sign are going to increase. During this time, you may have to travel for work, which will increase the health-related problems of the person. People with private jobs should also take special care during this time. These people should avoid making any kind of investment till June 17.
During this, avoid taking any kind of decision without thinking. Otherwise, someone may have to bear the loss. You will not get success even after hard efforts. You may have to take a loan to meet household expenses, which will affect your financial condition.
According to astrology, the people of the Scorpio zodiac may have to face blood-related diseases. There can be differences between government officials. Earning money wrongly will have to be returned along with the yarn. It is good to walk carefully in love relations. Otherwise, there is a fear of breaking the relationship. Be careful while driving any vehicle otherwise an accident may happen.
According to astrology, Aquarius is the own sign of Saturn. At this time the people of this zodiac can be disturbed due to ego and hallucinations. There can be disputes with the life partner, due to which family peace can be disturbed. During this, you will leave the company of your loved ones.
This conjunction can prove to be unfavorable for Pisces people. You will have to face many health problems. There can be some problems related to legs and knees. Also, there can be unnecessary expenditure at this time. Due to this, your budget can be spoiled. At the same time, do not finalize any new deal at this time, also do not start any new work. Your important work can stop at this time. You should light a mustard oil lamp under the idol of Shani every Saturday.