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Mercury Retrograde Libra - Budh Vakri Tula

Mercury Retrograde Libra - Budh Vakri Tula

With Mercury retrograde Libra, astrologers see that we can begin to deal with a new truth, finding a balance between who we are and who we want to become. In astrology, Budh vakri Tula is all about establishing harmony internally. When Mercury is direct in Libra, we often use our words and thoughts to try to create external harmony, but we are now learning that we must establish peace and balance within our minds before we expect to influence the wider world.

Libra Mercury

During Mercury retrograde in Libra, think about your role in any conflict or discord currently in your life. None of us are free from blame or responsibility for where we are now, no matter how lucky or unlucky our life circumstances have been. The way we have reacted or behaved in the past has in some way contributed to where we are today. After identifying how you have contributed to your current situation, think about how creating a better internal balance can help you avoid making the same mistake in the future.

Mercury Retrograde In Libra Astrology


While it may be true that sometimes you have to assert yourself when a partner or loved one misinterprets something you said or did, you must not appear nasty and aggressive. With Mercury clashing with Jupiter, it will be very easy to go too far. Avoid this.


No matter how convinced you are that someone else's health concern should be rationalized, make sure you are taking good care of yourself. This person is desperate to keep you both fit and strong. Do whatever is necessary to make sure you both do exactly that.


People at work or in your private life sometimes think you can achieve the impossible. And with the Sun opposing Neptune it may be a good time to correct them and let them know that, even for you, there are limits to what can be achieved.


DonтАЩt let any kind of gossip or rumors spoil this beautiful phase of your life. And donтАЩt challenge anyone who likes to cause trouble for some reason. Show that you can rise above it.


Money or the lack of it is going to be a topic of discussion. You will have to create a calm and optimistic atmosphere as some people are worried. You obviously canтАЩt promise that everything will be fine. But, more importantly, you canтАЩt let hysteria take over.


Those who think you canтАЩt handle a complicated personal matter will be proven wrong. And you will have to work hard with someone special to find solutions to whatever problems are brewing up at the moment. Keep telling yourself that you work quite brilliantly as a double act.


You will have vague memories of a situation that made you or a loved one feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. If current circumstances stir up such memories, you should not overreact. You have come a long way from that time.


Some people may seem mean and miserly when expected to contribute to a shared cause or event. And you will wonder if you should ask them to reconsider the situation. Proceed with caution. You do not want to feel that you are the aggressor rather than the peacemaker.


Rather than letting your friends or family members criticize your behavior in front of the wider world, tell them to mind their own business. Yes, they may think you are rude and unfriendly. But you have let these people interfere with your work in the past. This should not continue.


When you quietly and sensibly plan a trip or venture, someone will suggest that you are being reckless or irresponsible. And you know the opposite? So, without a doubt, emphasize that you are not in the business of taking unnecessary risks and that you know what you are doing.


While you may want to please one or two people close to you, it is important to consider the people involved. So tell yourself that there is no harm in calculating very carefully and deciding what is affordable and what is not. This is not the time to spend a lot.


Without fearing the consequences, you should broach an awkward topic with someone close. You know that both of you have avoided the issue for too long. You will feel relieved when you mention the people in the room carefully and sensitively.


Mercury retrograde always brings a sense of curiosity and caution, and when it occurs in Libra, it adds a unique layer of influence to the cosmic landscape. We'll explore what Mercury retrograde in Libra means and how this astrological event can impact individuals and collective consciousness. From the intricacies of Libra symbolism to the communication challenges and opportunities it presents, we'll uncover the mysteries of Mercury's previous journey through Libra. If you are concerned about Mercury retrograde in Libra or want to know more, you can talk to astrologers for information.

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