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Mars Retrograde Aries - Mangal Vakri Mesh

Mars Retrograde Aries - Mangal Vakri Mesh

Mars retrograde in astrology brings a decrease in energy and vitality, as this expression of this most active and vibrant planet becomes distracted. Therefore, when Mars retrograde, it is difficult to maintain motivation or ambition or to find the energy or willpower to pursue difficult plans. Since Mars was retrograded in Aries, this retrograde period has had more of an impact than some others. Aries in astrology is associated with the need to win or be first. Still, when mangal vakri mesh, this competitive energy is turned inward, causing us to criticize ourselves too harshly. Aries is also a highly emotional zodiac sign. However, internal or misdirected Mars energy holds these impulses back almost to the breaking point.

Aries Mars┬а

There are also more positive elements to Mars energy retrograde in Aries. Take bravery and courage, for example. During Mars' normal motion, its bravery is expressed towards others, in a sort of shining armor scenario. However, during Mars retrograde in Aries, we can use our courage and bravery inwardly - this can be a huge help for anyone trying to recover from trauma or dealing with mental health problems. We are stronger than we might think and, provided it is directed healthily, this can be a very positive thing.

Mars Retrograde in Aries Astrology

Each zodiac sign will process the retrograde Mars through Aries a little differently depending on their birth chart, but the main focus for all signs is how to harness this immense energy, now turned inward. Can be put to positive use.


Mars is now retrograde in your sign, you need to work slowly. Your thoughts are likely racing, and you may feel physically restless, anxious, or stressed during this transit. Try to avoid making hasty decisions and focus on things first. If you can stay calm and take it in stride, this period is excellent for karmic introspection and learning from your past.


Mangal Vakri is here to show you that you can't control every factor in life. You're a solid, practical sign, and you may not love the at-sea feeling but you can learn from it. Accept that you can't micromanage life and let things unfold as they are destined to.┬а


Avoid the temptation to blame others for everything, Gemini. Somehow, you have played a major role in getting to where you are now. Instead of blaming someone, work with your loved one, your family, your friends, or coworkers, as applicable, to find a joint.


Mars is retrograde in your career and ambition sector, which means you need to reduce your competitive instincts and increase patience. Avoid trying to force the issue into the workplace and avoid anything unethical in your quest to get ahead. It's good to have confidence, but being a team player will take you further than being a lone wolf.


You've become so focused on the details that you're forgetting the bigger picture. Use the Mars retrograde period to rethink the direction of your life and make sure you're still aligned with your goals. Don't be surprised if you discover a new attraction, passion, or obsession at this time. There will be no problem in walking with it.


Materially, Virgo, this retrograde Mars is teaching you that you already have more than enough of everything you need. It sure may not feel like it, but the more you gain during this period, the more you will lose. Instead, be generous, and kind, and give of your time, your attention, and as much money as you can afford.


Libra, with Mars retrograde in your love sector, beware of passive-aggressive behavior in your closest relationships. Don't use love as a weapon and be completely honest with your partner. There's no denying the fact that these few weeks can be stressful but if you're honestly in love, you'll stay that way.┬а


Physically, Scorpio, this period of retrograde Mars affects you the most; You may feel lethargic or not be able to sleep well. Now the most important thing is that you take care of your physical and mental health. Don't be too hard on yourself or have too many expectations. You can do as much as you can, and that's enough. Where possible, relax and enjoy the view.


Do not be surprised if you feel creatively blocked during this period. Ideas are weak at the grassroots level and inspiration is indeed a rare commodity. It doesn't matter. Focus on routine everyday tasks and move ahead in tackling your most boring tasks. The more productive you can be now, even with mundane things, the more you will enjoy your time when this period is over.


Capricorn, frustrations may increase at home during this retrograde period, especially if you are involved in a big household project or if your relatives are in trouble. A few key lines can defuse the situation and debate isn't always a bad thing but keep an eye on your temper. You can cut deeply with words, deeper than you realize, and not all violence is physical.


Aquarius, it's hard to stay organized during Mars retrograde, so don't worry if your brain is in a blender. You're not crazy. Resort to lists and sticky notes if you have to, but don't blame yourself for dropping the ball from time to time. Getting plenty of sleep is important, and you also need to take some time to relax.


Mars retrograde in your money sector may indicate a recession in your financial situation. However, this may prove to be a blessing. Instead of being motivated to make money, you're being motivated to think about how lucky you are in other ways. This is a great time to start a gratitude journal, which will give you a lot of insight.


According to astrology, Aries is a very selfish sign. But when Mars is retrograde in Aries, we can learn from our selfishness as well. Use this period to understand how your selfish actions have contributed to your current situation or hurt others. When the warrior planet turns inward, we have a lot to learn. But we try to emerge from the period of Mars retrograde as better people.┬аLearn more about Mars retrograde in Aries and what it means for you. Talk to astrologers experienced to get your questions answered.

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