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Ketu Transit in Virgo - 30th October 2023

Ketu Transit in Virgo - 30th October 2023

According to astronomy, planets named Rahu and Ketu do not exist, but they are considered very important in astrology. The effect of these two planets is on many areas of our life. Rahu is considered a malefic and malefic planet in astrology, whereas Ketu exerts influence according to the house it is present in your horoscope and the planet with which it is present. Ketu also signifies spiritual and supernatural forces including positive and negative energies. There will be transits of many planets in the year 2023 and its impact will be on the people of all the 12 zodiac signs in different ways. One of these transits is the transit of Ketu in Virgo on 30 October. Will talk in detail about the impact of Ketu transit on your family life and love life. So according to astrological predictions, let us know how the transit of Ketu in Virgo will affect all the 12 zodiac signs.




Ganesha says that after the transit of Ketu, sweetness is about to return to married life. Wife's health will also be good now. There is a possibility of getting victory over the enemies. There can be some big progress and progress in the job. With the grace of Ketu, the natives who wish to go abroad will get good news. At this time, you may be harassed a little at the workplace, but you will be able to win. With the grace of Ketu, you can also get money from your family and you can also start some new work.




Ganesha says that due to the transit of Ketu, you will feel hindered in your studies. You may also get cheated by your lover. It is better if you don't fall in love with anyone at this time. The transit of Ketu will benefit the business class and your new work will start. Due to the effect of this transit, trouble is possible from friends. The working people should not change their job but should do good work in their present job only.




Ganesha says that the transit of Ketu makes the natives fickle and enthusiastic. Due to this transit of Ketu, you will be a little worried about the health of your mother. You will see the lack of enthusiasm in your life. You may get mental anguish during this transit. Expected help will not be received from the family. Drive carefully during this time. There may be a conspiracy against you at the workplace. For those people who are thinking of going abroad, their dream will be fulfilled.




Ganesha says that due to this transit of Ketu, your brothers will get great success. The ongoing dispute regarding money and property will end now. There will be chances of being successful in the journey undertaken during this transit. You can be involved in a big religious journey. Philosophical thoughts will have primacy in life. With the grace of Ketu, you will get the support of friends, and some new work of yours will also start. The merchant class will get good profits from this transit of Ketu.




Ganesha says that there may be bitterness in your speech during this transit. At this time some discord may arise in the family. You may also have to face defeat in a court case at this time. Try to drive carefully. Secret enemies will come in front and try to harm you, but you will get the victory. Additional responsibility can be given at the workplace during this transit.




Ganesha says that the transit of Ketu makes the natives fearful. The person spends money by talking to useless people. Due to this transit of Ketu, a big project can go out of your hands. At this time you may have to suffer many challenges. You will get cheated on in the love affair, while there is a possibility of tension in married life as well. At this time, do not start any new work by getting into someone's words. During this transit of Ketu, the chances of a religious journey are visible.




Ganesha says that the transit of Ketu is said to give good results. At this time, with the grace of Ketu, you will be generous and your money will be spent on the welfare of the poor. Profits from foreign relations are visible during this transit. At this time, the interest in secret knowledge and the tantra mantra will increase further. Those who do the work of selling old items will get good profits. Job work will lead to big journeys which will be successful.




Ganesha says that the transit of Ketu has been said to be beneficial and fame-giving. Due to this transit of Ketu, the work stuck for a long time can again gain momentum. With the grace of Ketu, you may get a big job offer or even a promotion. At this time the student class will get the desired success. With the grace of Ketu, your speech will be effective. With the grace of Ketu, you will accomplish big goals at the workplace.




Ganesha says that due to this transit of Ketu, the people associated with politics are going to get better opportunities. At this time you have to be a little careful at the workplace. It is possible that you will be given some big responsibility. You are advised not to lend money to anyone thoughtlessly. At this time you can remain worried about your mother's health.




Ganesha says that Ketu is the one who gives religious inclination to the native. Due to the effect of Ketu, you will get a chance to go on a religious journey and you will get success with the blessings of your gurus. At this time your courage is going to be increased and you will be benefited from the journeys. Brothers' cooperation will be received and your mind will be happy. During this transit of Ketu, you have to take care of your health.




Ganesha says that the transit of Ketu makes the natives anti-women. The intelligence of the person starts being operated by his friends. Due to the transit of Ketu in this house, you may have disputes with your wife and in-laws. A sudden big loss of money is possible. At this time, you have to try that no family discord arises because of you in the family. The natives involved in occult practices and astrology will get successful. At this time, with the influence of your speech, you will prove and show a big task.




Ganesha says that during this transit of Ketu, there is a possibility of some tension in your married life. At this time, you have to work by understanding the feelings of your spouse. At this time, those who want to start their new work can get help from their family. During this transit of Ketu, any religious event can be conducted in your family through you.

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