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Ketu Transit 2025 - Ketu Gochar 2025

Ketu Transit 2025 - Ketu Gochar 2025

In astrology, Ketu is considered an elusive planet. The movement of Ketu also holds special importance. Ketu always transits in retrograde motion. Shadow planet Ketu, like Saturn and Rahu, is a slow-moving planet and changes its sign once in 18 months. In Vedic astrology, planets travel from one zodiac sign to another from time to time. In the cabinet of planets, Shani Dev is considered to be the slowest moving planet. After Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are considered to be the slowest moving planets. While Shani Dev travels in one zodiac sign for two and a half years, Ketu travels in one zodiac sign for about one and a half years and provides its results for a long time.

Ketu Gochar 2025

In astrology, the planet Ketu has its importance. Due to the influence of Ketu Gochar, important changes come in a person's life. It affects the house in which it is placed in your horoscope, as well as the house that it sees from the seventh aspect. In astrology, Ketu is given the status of an inauspicious planet, but its effects are not always bad. Due to the effect of Ketu, a person develops a spiritual tendency and he can become proficient in Tantra Vidya. Ketu is considered an elusive planet, so due to its influence, a person develops a desire to know occult sciences. During the dasha and antardasha of Ketu, some problem or the other comes into life, so one should be careful during such times.

In Vedic astrology, the ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius, is its exalted sign, while it is in a debilitated state in Gemini. If Ketu is placed in the horoscope of a person with the planet Jupiter, which is called the Guru of the Gods, then this combination creates Raj Yoga. If Ketu is strong in the horoscope then the legs of such natives are strong. If the position of Ketu is not right in the horoscope then such natives face problems in their life.

Ketu Transit 2025 List





MAY 18, 2025

Ketu Transit Leo


Ketu is a fictitious but powerful planet. When it transits to different houses, its effect can be felt far and wide. Ketu takes away material pleasures from the mind of the native and leads him towards spirituality. Both Rahu and Ketu spend about 18 months in one zodiac sign, which is why their transit is an important astrological event. Here are the details related to Ketu transit. What will be the effect of Ketu Gochar 2025 on all other zodiac signs, know this astrological prediction through this blog.

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