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Which Zodiac Sign Will Have Shani Sade Sati In 2025?

Which Zodiac Sign Will Have Shani Sade Sati In 2025?

In the new year 2025, 4 planets will change their zodiac signs. On 29 March 2025, Saturn will transit from Aquarius to Pisces. After this, on May 14, Jupiter will transit from Taurus to Gemini. On May 18, 2025, Rahu will transit into Aquarius and Ketu into Leo. With the change in Saturn's zodiac sign, some people's Sadesati will end, some people's period will change and some people's Sadesati will begin. Let's know from astrologer Chirag Daruwalla when Saturn's Sade Sati will start and on whom it will end.


With Saturn being in Aquarius, people with Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces zodiac signs are under the influence of Saturn's Sadesati. When Saturn will go from Aquarius to Pisces, its Sadesati will start on Aries.


Sadhesati on Aries will begin on March 29, 2025, and will last till May 31, 2032. However, due to the support of Jupiter, Sade Sati will not have a bad effect on you.


The last phase of Shani Sade Sati is going on on Capricorn people. Sadhesati on Capricorn started on 26 January 2017 and will end on 29 March 2025. This means that Capricorn people will get relief from shani sade sati in the year 2025.


Shani Dev entered Aquarius on 17 January 2023 and has been sitting in this zodiac since then. Saturn's zodiac change will happen on 29 March 2025 where he will enter Pisces and Saturn will remain in this zodiac till 2028. The second phase of Sadhesati is going on with the Aquarius people. The impact of Sade Sati on Aquarius will stay till 3 June 2027. However, people of this zodiac sign will get relief from Shani Sade Sati on 23 February 2028. That means Shani Sade Sati will be on you in the year 2025.


Saturn's Sade Sati will begin on Pisces, the first phase will endure till March 29, 2025, and Sade Sati on Pisces will end on April 7, 2030. Sadhe Sati affects Pisces. Shani Sade Sati will start on your zodiac sign, and its first phase will last till 29 March 2025 Sade Sati on this zodiac sign will last till 7 April 2030.┬а


Do These Remedies To Please Shani Dev

Still, keep trying to please Shani during Sadesati. Also do good deeds, so that you do not have to face the ill effects of Shani's Sadesati.┬а


  • During Sadesati, do not hurt the feelings of any helpless, elderly, weak woman, or poor even by mistake. Neither harass nor exploit them.

  • Do not make the mistake of consuming non-veg-alcohol on Saturday. Rather, offer oil to Shanidev on Saturday evening and light a lamp under the Peepal tree.

  • Serve the poor and the needy. Do charity as much as possible.

  • Worship Lord Shiva, the worshiper of Shani Dev. Anoint him with Gangajal. By doing this, you will get the blessings of Shani Dev and Shiva.

  • On Saturday, donate black blankets, shoes, black clothes, and money to the needy according to your financial status.



Shani Dev changes the zodiac sign in two and a half years and every time Saturn transits, its Sadesati-Dhaiyya starts on some zodiac signs and ends on some. At this time, Saturn is in Aquarius. Saturn, while staying in Aquarius, is giving the second phase of Sadesati to the people of this zodiac. The second phase of Sadesati is considered to be the most painful. Also, during this time, Saturn keeps a close watch on the deeds of the person. Therefore, the person should focus on their deeds and should not do any such work which is not liked by Shani Dev. Otherwise, Saturn punishes them. If you want to know which Dasha or Antardasha is in your Kundali, then you can take an online astrology consultation.

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