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Which Yogas In The Kundli Can Give Success In Higher Authority

Which Yogas In The Kundli Can Give Success In Higher Authority

Yoga formed in the Kundli only tells what will be the area of livelihood of the person.

  • To get success by becoming an administrative officer, planets like Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu, and Moon should be strong.

  • If the Amatyakaraka planet is strong in the Kundali in self, exalted, and is in Kendra or third or tenth, then the path of great progress is paved.

  • If the Amatyakaraka planet is in the Kendra, third, or Ekadsha house from the Atmakaraka planet in the Navamsha, then the person does a job without obstacles.

  • If there is an exalted Jupiter or Venus in the fifth house and it is under the influence of auspicious planets and the Sun is in a good position, then the person becomes a high administrative officer in these conditions.

  • when Mars is conjoined with Sun, then natives can try their luck in the field of police, army, engineering, fire department, agricultural work, real estate, contracting, surgery, sports, politics, and other management work.

  • If there are Sun and Mercury in the ascendant and the auspicious sight of Jupiter is on them, then the person is successful in getting a high position in the administrative service.

  • If there are dashes of the causative planets in the horoscope, then the chances of getting success in the job increase.

  • To become an IAS, it is auspicious to get the Dasha of the third, sixth, tenth, and eleventh house which means success is certain.

  • The number of the highest class should be less in the tenth and more in the eleventh. The greater this difference, the greater the profit with less labor.

  • In the third, sixth, tenth, and eleventh house, if the number of lords is in increasing order, then wealth, fame, and advancement in administrative services all three happen together. Everyone praises such an officer.

  • Planets like Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu, and Moon should be strong for selection as administrative officers. Courage, bravery, and enthusiasm come from Mars in a person. Which is very important for achieving success in competitions.

  • If the lord of the eleventh house is in the ninth house or conjunct or aspects the lord of the tenth house, then there is a possibility of the person becoming an administrative officer.

  • If there is an exalted Jupiter or Venus in the fifth house, it is influenced by auspicious planets and the Sun is also in a good position, then the person becomes a high administrative officer in the Dashas of these planets.

  • Lagnesh and Dashmesh being exalted in the center or triangle and Jupiter being exalted, there is a strong possibility of a person becoming an officer.

  • If the Sun and Mercury are in the center of the Kundli, especially in the Ascendant, and the auspicious aspect of the Guru is on them, then the person is successful in getting a high position in the administrative service.


Astrology Yoga to Become an Officer


To get the yoga of higher education, the level of education should be good in the person's horoscope. For education, the second house, fourth house, fifth house, and ninth house are seen for education. When these houses are strong, the education of a person is considered to be the best. The planets related to education are Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars, besides this yoga which makes education special also opens the way for the success of a person. Due to a good education, the person gets the qualification to sit in the job examination.

6th, 1st, and 10th houses for success in any competitive examination, it is necessary for the Ascendant 6th, and 10th houses to be powerful and to have a mutual relationship between them. The more powerful these feelings are and the deeper the mutual relationship in them, the higher the person will be able to go in his job. Apart from this, complete dedication and concentrated hard work are required for success. The third house makes sense of all these qualities. Due to this, it is known as the house of might. The third house is also very important because it is the sixth house from the tenth house. Enemies of business are seen from this house. Due to its strength, the person gets the ability to fight against the enemies of business. This house gives energy. By which it is possible to touch the heights of success.

The Sun has been given the title of king among all the planets in the essential planetary Kundli and Guru is said to be the factor of knowledge. These two planets are mainly considered to be helpful planets for success in administrative competitions and the attainment of high positions. For such officers whose job is mainly to serve the public. The importance of Shani becomes more for them. Because Shani is the bridge between the public and the administrative officers. Many administrative officers have succeeded in getting their writing skills to prove their mettle even while working. This is not possible without the grace of Mars and Mercury. Mars is called ink and Mercury is called a pen. Planets like Sun, Guru, Mars, Rahu, and Moon should be strong for selection in administrative officers. Courage, bravery, and enthusiasm come from Mars in a person. Which is very important for achieving success in competitions.

Role of Amatyakaraka planet Amatyakaraka planet plays a big role in getting the post of administrative officer. If Amatyakaraka is strong in any horoscope. Should be in the position of Swagrahi, high, square, etc. And it is in the center. Apart from this, when strong Amatyakarakas are in the third and eleventh houses, the person gets a chance to achieve great heights in his lifetime. In this situation, the person gets opportunities to do such work. In which he can feel joy. If Amatyakaraka is in Kendra or the third or eleventh house from Atmakaraka in Navashan, then the person gets a beautiful and obstacle-free job. That's why the position of Amatyakaraka is also seen in Naivasha.

If the lord of the eleventh house is in the ninth house or conjunct or aspects the lord of the tenth house, then there is a possibility of the person becoming an administrative officer.

If the lord of the ascendant and the tenth lord are exalted and in the center or Trikona and Jupiter is exalted, there is a strong possibility of a person becoming an administrative officer.

If the Sun and Mercury are in the center of the Kundli, especially in the Ascendant, and the auspicious aspect of Jupiter is on them, then the person is successful in getting a high position in the administrative service.




From the yoga formed in the Kundli, a person can know in which field he will get successful. If you also want to know about your career then┬аtalk to Astrologer.┬а


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