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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Which House of the Birth Chart Forms the Yoga of the Job?

Which House of the Birth Chart Forms the Yoga of the Job?

With the birth of a people's life, their destiny begins to form. And the Kundali tells the events that will happen in the future of man. The inclination of most of the youth is seen towards the job. According to career astrology, some special conditions of the planets and constellations in the Kundali create the yoga of a job.


Responsible House and Planets of Job Yoga


Jobs are formed in the tenth house and sixth house of the Kundali. If the sum of a government job is formed in the life of a person, then its assessment is seen in the tenth and sixth houses of the Kundali. If the sight of the Sun, Mars, or Jupiter falls at this place, then the yoga of employment becomes strong. But if the Sun of the sixth house of the tenth house, Mars Jupiter is aspected by any sinful planet, then a person may have to face conflicts and difficulties.

In the birth chart, the job is also formed by the presence of the Moon, and Jupiter together. Similarly, if Moon and Mars are also Kendra, then the chances of a job increase.

When the change of the tenth house or one or more benefic planets is affected in the birth chart of the person, then the goal in life is achieved. And great successes are earned in relation to career. On the contrary, the malefic aspect of one or more malefic planets in the tenth house may lead to failure in life and career.

The relation of the Sun or Moon to Wealth, Fourth, and Karma or with their owner shows the status of the government job. Due to the influence of the Sun, it becomes more than the Moon.

The presence of the Sun or Moon in the ascendant position of the native makes him effective and successful in life. In such a situation the person earns a name and recognition in the job.

With the sight and coincidence of the Moon in the tenth house, the person increases in the government sector.

Due to the position of the unstable planet and moon, there is a problem in getting a job and after getting the job, one may have to face conflict and change of place.

When the tenth lord is formed, the person gets a job and such people are working from the intelligence agency.

When the tenth lord Kundli is in the ascendant or the tenth house and the position of the Sun and the Moon is formed, the person attains a large body in life. And it's very busy.

Mars is a soldier, or a high official, Mercury is a bank or insurance, Jupiter - is related to education, Venus is related to finances and Saturn has a connecting effect in many departments.

Being strong in the Moon middle creates the sum of a government job. If the Sun becomes strong and is situated in the tenth or the sight of the Sun is on the tenth, then the yoga of a job is formed.

When Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are created together, it makes a high official in the job. Due to the presence of an auspicious planet in the tenth house or the relation of the causal planets with the Sun and Moon, the condition of a good job remains in the life of the person.


Astrology says that many types of yoga are revealed only through the horoscope. With the help of this, it becomes easy to test the future of the person. Some of these yogas are also associated with the work to be done by the person in the future. One of which is a job, in such a situation, the question arises in the mind of every person what kind of job will he do in the future. So in this regard also the Yogas of the Kundli say a lot and the Yogas of the Kundli can be known by analyzing the Kundli by astrology prediction.

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