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Which House of the Birth Chart Forms the Yoga of Business?

Which House of the Birth Chart Forms the Yoga of Business?

Many people want to know which business will develop. Which work should I do according to the horoscope in which I get success? To see business yoga, one should study the position of Mercury in the horoscope, the tenth house i.e. the place of action, and the eleventh which means the place of income. According to the qualities and nature of the planet which is situated in the tenth house, the business of a person is done.


According to business astrology, a person will get success or failure in life, become wealthy, become poor or poor, it can be ascertained by looking at the birth chart at the time of birth itself. Some such auspicious yogas are formed in the horoscope, due to which the person starts getting profit in business, etc.


Responsible House and Planets of Business Yoga


If there is more than one planet in the tenth house, then the business of the person is done according to the planet which is the most powerful. For example, if Venus is in the tenth house, then the person does business with cosmetics, jewelry, etc.

If there is no planet in the tenth house, then the business is decided according to the tenth lord. If Mars is in the tenth house, then the person earns profit from the work of property, and investment.

The planet which is situated with the planet Sun shows its effect on business. For example, if there is a Jupiter with the Sun, then the person earns profit from the work of hotel business, food grains, etc.

The eleventh house is the place of income. Business is decided according to the position of the planets present in this house.

The seventh house is of partnership. If there are friendly planets in it, then benefit from the partnership. If there is an enemy planet, then there will be a loss of the partnership. The friendly planets are Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter. Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu are friends among themselves.

If the seventh house is in the seventh house in the horoscope or the seventh house is aspected by the seventh house, then there is success in business.

If the seventh lord is in self or exalted zodiac and is in an auspicious house, then there are good business yogas.

If the benefit is situated in the benefic place itself, then there is good success in business.

Even if the seventh lord is situated in the auspicious house in the zodiac sign, then there is a possibility of going into business.

If you want to become a successful businessman then you must have auspicious yoga in your Kundali. Also, by taking some measures, you can get progress in the business.


If you start a business on the basis of the houses and planets mentioned in this article, then you will get success soon. If you feel that my planets are not favorable, then by talking to astrologers, you will definitely be successful if you do the remedies given by astrology.

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