Which Gemstone is Auspicious For Success in Your Business
Everyone wants their business to grow. A person takes all kinds of measures to increase the business. A person works hard day and night. In today's time, the person is troubled by the business does not grow. Had to close because the business didn't grow. Along with hard work in business, it is important to take care of some small things, it gives profit in business. If a gemstone is worn for the growth and development of a business, then there is a special benefit in business. Gemstones are worn to remove planetary defects and to get auspicious results for planets. In business astrology, different Gemstones have been told for each planet. Some gems are well received while some are very valuable.
Benefits Of Panna/ Emerald Gemstone
If you want success in business, then you should wear the gemstone emerald of the planet Mercury, the factor of business. If you are a lawyer and want to win the case then you must wear emerald. Astrology also advises wearing it for progress in the business. Panna makes businesses grow and prosper. If you are not patient in your work, due to which your business gets spoiled, then you must wear emerald. If the person faces any problem in investing money in business, then an emerald must be worn. Wearing emerald on Wednesday is considered most auspicious. On the other hand, if Ashlesha, Purva Phalguni, Revati or Pushya Nakshatra coincides on Wednesday, then wearing this gemstone is even more beneficial. However, before wearing an emerald, one must keep in mind the position of Mercury in the horoscope.
Benefits Of Garnet Gemstone
Garnet Gemstone is worn to get success in business. Garnet is such a gemstone that is available in many colors like black, red, green, and blue but mostly red garnet is worn. The planetary lords of Garnet are Mars and Rahu. Mars is the god of luck and wealth and Rahu is the planet of success. Rahu is related to lotteries, speculation, the stock market, etc. Therefore, wearing garnet in all these works gives quick success. To be successful in business, along with Mercury, Mars is also necessary for the Kundali. If Mars is in the second place in the horoscope, then it is definitely advised to wear Garnet so that the effect of money can increase. Wearing garnet increases inner energy and confidence. This removes negative energy. For success in business, garnet should be worn in a silver ring. People who are mostly on tour and doing touring business should wear garnet. Garnet should be especially worn by those who have fear of the unknown, who feel insecure, and who have fear of insecurity.
You can be successful in business only when the planets related to the business are strong in Kundali. Many types of gems are told in Indian astrology. The auspicious results of the planets are obtained from them and the problems are removed. If you want success and growth in business, then on the basis of your horoscope, talk to astrology to know and analyze the position of the planet.