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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

What Is The Only Solution To Please All The Planets?

What Is The Only Solution To Please All The Planets?

As per astrology, planets are vital in the existence of any individual. It is believed that 9 planets take you forward and pleasing them brings success in life. It is said that if the nine planets are strong in a person's horoscope. Then all the problems in life can be solved. Every planet has a different importance in our life and if even one planet is weak in the horoscope. Then the issues in your day-to-day existence don't end. Many times we find a weak planet and find a way to strengthen it. But sometimes it may also happen that it is difficult to find it correctly and the problems may not be solved. If you try some special astrological remedies to strengthen every planet together, then happiness can remain in your life.

Sun Remedies to please

If the position of the Sun is weak in your Kundli. Then many types of problems may occur in your life. To strengthen it, regularly take water in a copper vessel and dedicate it to the Sun God. Then the Sun can become strong. Along with this, regularly take water in a copper vessel, there will always be happiness in your life.

Moon Remedies to please

If the Moon is weak in your horoscope, then one easy remedy to strengthen it should be tried that never waste water. Water is considered to be the factor of the Moon and if water is wasted, then happiness remains in life. Along with this, you should also keep in mind that you should not eat any cold things at night.

Mars Remedies to please

To fortify Mars, you ought to routinely recount Hanuman Chalisa and feed gram to monkeys. This can remove the defects of Mars from your horoscope.

Jupiter Remedies to please

Assuming the spot of Jupiter is fragile in the birth chart. Then, at that point, you ought to offer turmeric to Ruler Vishnu on Thursday. One ought to eat sattvik food on this day. Along with this, if you wear yellow clothes. Put the turmeric or saffron tilak on the forehead. Then the defect of your planet Jupiter can be reduced.

Mercury Remedies to please

Assuming that the place of Mercury is powerless in your birth chart. Then wear green clothes on Wednesday and feed green fodder to animals. With this remedy, Mercury can be strengthened in the horoscope.

Venus Remedies to please

To strengthen Venus, try to keep a strong relationship with your spouse and wear silver jewelry. If you donate white things on Friday, then it will also be beneficial for you.

Saturn Remedies to please

If you want to please Saturn in your birth chart. Then feed food to a needy person and donate things needed by the poor. Along with this, if you regularly feed roti to a cow. Then Saturn can also be strengthened.

Rahu Remedies to please

If the position of Rahu is weak in your horoscope, then to strengthen it, avoid wearing clothes and if possible, feed roti to a black dog on Saturday.

Ketu Remedies to please

If you want to strengthen the position of Ketu in the Kundli. Then you should worship Ganpati regularly and keep your surroundings clean. This can strengthen Ketu.


All the 12 zodiac signs have a lord. It is one of the 9 planets. Our career, self-respect, and married life all depend on the auspicious or inauspicious position of these zodiac lords. In astrology, some measures have been given to please all the 9 planets and by trying these measures, you can also please your zodiac lord and get his blessings.┬аIf you want to know the solution to please all the planets, you can take an online astrology consultation.

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