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What Is My Zodiac Sign by Name?

What Is My Zodiac Sign by Name?

If the correct zodiac sign is not known, then the person is not able to know their correct future. Due to this, they are not able to know the good and bad times coming at the right time in life. Due to this sometimes the pace of progress slows down. On the other hand, when a person knows their correct zodiac sign, then they get an idea of ​​the right and wrong time at the right time and by changing their work style and nature, they can easily pass the bad times. Therefore, it is very important to know the correct zodiac sign.


What Is My Horoscope Sign by Name?


There are two methods in astrology for finding out the zodiac sign. One is according to the moon sign and the other is finding out the zodiac sign from the sun sign. According to Vedic astrology, the zodiac sign in which the moon is placed in a person's horoscope is called their zodiac sign. For example, if the moon is placed in Virgo in a person's horoscope, then their zodiac sign will be Virgo.

The first letter of the name is decided according to the zodiac and nakshatra at the time of birth. Therefore, most people have names directly related to the zodiac. If your birth date and time are not known then you can choose your zodiac according to your name. If you know your birth date and time then you can find the zodiac with birth time.

Lunar zodiac or Chandra Rashi is the most prominent in Vedic astrology. The lunar zodiac, commonly called Rashi, is given more importance than the sun zodiac and birth nakshatra. In Hindu culture, the first letter of the name is decided according to the zodiac and nakshatra.

Apart from zodiac signs, astrologers also consider the influence of letters in a person's life. It is believed that each letter of the alphabet has its own unique vibration frequency and energy, and this energy can affect a person's life in different ways.


Aries Letter


According to astrology, Aries is considered the first zodiac sign. People whose name starts with the letters Chu, Che, Cho, La, Lee, Lu, Le, Lo, or Aa, their zodiac sign is Aries. The lord of Aries is Mars. Considered competitive, Aries people are courageous, strong-willed, and reckless.


Taurus Letter


The second zodiac sign of the zodiac is Taurus. People whose name starts with E, Oo, Ae, O, Va, Vi, Vu, Ve, Vo, their zodiac sign is called Taurus. The symbol of the Taurus zodiac sign is the bull. The lord of Taurus is considered to be Venus.


Gemini Letter


Gemini is considered the third zodiac sign of the zodiac. People whose name starts with 'A', 'Ch', and 'D', their zodiac sign is Gemini. In astrology, twins are depicted in Gemini, the ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury which is the factor of speech, commerce, communication, singing, mathematics, etc.


Cancer Letter


According to the zodiac, the position of this zodiac sign is fourth. People whose name starts with Hee, Hu, He, Ho, Da, Dee, Doo, De, Do, Ve, their zodiac sign is Cancer. The lord of this zodiac sign is considered to be the Moon.


Leo Letter


The fifth zodiac sign of the astrology cycle is Leo. People whose name starts with Ma, Mee, Mu, Me, Mo, Ta, Tee, Too, or Te, their zodiac sign is Leo. The lord of this zodiac is the Sun.


Virgo Letter


According to the zodiac cycle, this zodiac is considered to be the sixth zodiac. People whose name starts with Dho, Pa, Pi, Poo, Sha, Na, Tha, Pe, and Po, their zodiac sign is Virgo. The lord of this zodiac is Mercury.


Libra Letter 


According to the zodiac cycle, Libra is ranked seventh. People whose name starts with Ra, Ree, Ru, Re, Ro, Ta, Ti, Tu, or Te, and their zodiac sign is Libra. The lord of Libra is Venus.


Scorpio Letter 


Scorpio is the eighth zodiac sign of astrology. People whose name starts with the letters To, Na, Nee, Nu, Ne, No, Ya, Yi, or Yu, their zodiac sign is Scorpio. 


Sagittarius Letter


According to the astrology cycle, Sagittarius is considered to be the ninth zodiac sign. People whose name starts with the letters Ye, Yo, Bha, Bhi, Bhu, Dha, Fa, Dha, Bhe, their zodiac sign is Sagittarius. The lord of this zodiac is Jupiter.


Capricorn Letter


According to the zodiac, Capricorn is considered to be the 10th zodiac sign. People whose name starts with Bho, Ja, Jee, Khee, Khoo, Khe, Kho, Ga, Gee, Hai, their zodiac sign is Capricorn. The Lord of this zodiac is Shani Dev.


Aquarius Letter


Aquarius is said to be the eleventh zodiac sign of the zodiac. People whose name starts with Gu, Ge, Go, Sa, Si, Su, Se, So, Da, belong to Aquarius.


Pisces Letter


The last zodiac sign of the zodiac is Pisces. People whose name starts with the letters Di, Doo, Tha, Jha, Nya, De, Do, Cha, Chee, their zodiac sign is Pisces.


Rashi, also known as the Lunar sign, holds significant importance in Vedic astrology as it reflects the position of the moon at the time of a person's birth. The zodiac sign comprises 12 signs, namely Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, each of which is associated with unique characteristics and significance. In Hindu tradition, the first letter of the name is often chosen based on the zodiac and constellation at the time of birth. If you also want to choose the right name by date of birth, then you can talk to astrologers.

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