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What Color to Wear on Monday - As per Astrology

What Color to Wear on Monday - As per Astrology

There are seven days in a week, each day has a different deity. According to astrology, if clothes are worn according to the day, then there are a lot of benefits and auspicious results obtained and happiness and prosperity are also received. By wearing clothes according to the color of the wind, positive thinking is communicated in the person and negative thoughts do not come into their mind.


Wear Color on Monday - White Color


This name of Monday is derived from Someshwar which means Lord Shiva. It is a religious belief that by fasting on Monday, every fasting person gets relief from sorrow, suffering, and troubles and he gets the pleasure of a happy, healthy, and prosperous life.

Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva. By worshiping Lord Shiva on this day, he becomes happy soon and bestows the desired fruit.

White color symbolizes cleanliness and purity. If a person wears white clothes then his mind will surely remain calm and cool. Other people also consider a person wearing white clothes to have good and pure thoughts. It is believed that bad thoughts do not enter the mind of a person wearing white clothes.

Monday is dedicated to Chandra dev. As we all know that the moon is white, therefore white clothes should be worn on Mondays. The person who wears bright clothes on Monday is blessed by the moon god. If the position of the Moon is not good in the horoscope of the native, then he should wear white and light-colored clothes every Monday. If possible, every person should wear white clothes on Monday.

It is considered auspicious to wear white colored clothes on Monday, along with that, clothes with white stripes can also be used on this day. It is believed that wearing black and brightly colored clothes should be avoided on this day.


Which color is considered auspicious on Monday, you can know about it from astrology predictions. Monday is considered to be the day of the soft cool moon and Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva. That's why the color of Monday is considered to be white, bright, or silver. To make Monday's day peaceful, white colored clothes should be worn on this day. Because the influence of the moon remains on Monday. White color removes the bad effects related to the planet Moon. Moon is the significator of mother, honor, sleep, happiness, power, wealth, and water. That's why wearing white clothes on Monday is considered auspicious. If you also want to know what color clothes are auspicious on Monday, then talk to astrologers.

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