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Virgo Decans: Discovering Appearance and Types

Virgo Decans: Discovering Appearance and Types

Virgo is the sixth sign in the zodiac. Of all the zodiac signs, Virgo is the most specific, orderly, and methodical. Virgo is represented by Virgo and it comes under the influence of the planet Mercury. The planet Mercury rules the mind, communication, and mental state.

Virgo Decans is from the earth element which is related to practicality and the ground. This is the reason why Virgo people are very practical and work hard to achieve whatever they want in life. They are also very intelligent and make good use of their excellent communication skills.

What are the 3 types of Virgo?

Virgo Decan 1┬а- August 24th - September 3rd

Virgo Decan 2┬а- September 4th - September 13th

Virgo Decan 3┬а- September 14th - September 22nd

First Decan Virgo

First Decan Virgo is definitely the most exclusive. Since Mercury rules your outer self, you are probably gifted in the areas of communication. You seem to have an especially good command of the word, both spoken and written. You could probably use this ability profitably as a teacher, speaker, salesperson, reporter, writer, editor, etc.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, is both its ruler and sub-ruler, giving it a formidable intellect. All the qualities of Virgo are in double force. He is the purist's purist. They're almost too good. They are almost too intelligent. Virgo's first Dasha is an earth sign and is an achiever by nature. Intellectual activity, knowledge, and truth are gifts that they do not waste. Mental concentration is often their biggest strength.

Virgo Decan 1 in love is romantic, devoted, and highly sensitive towards the lover. It is true that they place the sexual act on a spiritual level. Virgo must connect intellectually to be fully attracted to the other. Hearing a brilliant idea spoken by the person they care about is enough to give them an on-the-spot orgasm, that's where the passion is. The people best suited for a Virgo are often the ones they can just let go and have a good time with. These fun-loving types can prove to be mutually beneficial with Virgo providing the dependability, yet a relaxed attitude of the other partner that Virgo may not have.

The reason First Deccan Virgos survive is because they are consistent producers. Laziness, laziness, greed, and ignorance are not in the vocabulary of Virgos. They are able to find and solve the problems of the rye before they become a mountain. They are smarter than the average bear and their intentions are never hidden. Virgo signs have the ability to be flexible, to adapt to emerging situations and problems. Often his insights are treated as predictions but they are the result of intense observation.

Second Decan Virgo

Important sub-effects of this can create a number of interesting differences. is the natural ruler of the tenth house of career, profession, business, honor, and recognition; It seems that you are never satisfied with the status quo when there is not even an iota of possibility of improvement. With a Virgo Ascendant, you are willing to work hard to reach the top; But your side effect often makes you experience frequent and unpleasant jerks and delays along the way.

Saturn, the planet of determination, gives a special strength to his personality along with Mercury, the lord of Virgo. What determines those modes of behavior is whether they feel they are successful. Psychic Mercury is with rigid Saturn, they will either emerge as exuberant or ready to throw in the towel when they feel they have failed. A child at heart, Virgo is fond of puzzles, treasure hunts, and fascinating new scientific information.

When Second Decan Virgo finds love, they have a soft and sympathetic nature and will do everything in their power to please. People best suited to Virgo II Dasha are active, outgoing types, making a good ally for their thoughtful and sometimes withdrawn personalities. Virgo often has a desire to be unusual in intimate relationships. They can send silent messages about this to their lovers, which if noticed can give them great satisfaction. Many Virgos have no real need to be with others, but if family life proves appealing, they are able to fit in well, as long as they have enough time to themselves. , there is more space there is a space

Doubled down on goodness, another Virgo from Deccan will walk miles to avoid hurting anyone's sentiments. As a result, her social circle shrinks. Virgo people have a peculiar sense of humor, a bit sarcastic and curt, but never malicious. Their faces don't easily express what they're really thinking, in fact, it can be hard for them to display emotion. Asking for help can be a real problem for them, it seems they are destined to solve things alone. However, in Vedic astrology, the decan is also called the Decanate and is of great importance in Indian astrology.

Third Decan Virgo

The sub-influences of Virgo can inspire quite a few exciting and interesting changes. The rising of Third Decan Virgo alone is enough to make you practical, you clearly fall into the "overly practical" category. In your daily life, if you can't see, hear, smell, touch, or taste something, it might not mean anything to you. The fickle (changeable) and often indecisive qualities of Virgo include a high degree of persistence and staying power. When you set out to do something, it is your nature to keep at it until you succeed.

The ruling planet of Virgo's sign Mercury indicates victory with people. The conjunction of Mercury and Venus brings Virgo Decan 3 to the astrological position of fortune. It appears that Virgo is characterized by more traits: stable, solid, and happy. Wrapped up in Virgo as the critic, Virgo is blessed with a wonderful "can do" mentality.

The third Deccan Virgo is unhappy living under the restrictions; They are drawn to creative pursuits where they are free to be their own masters. Virgo definitely has a tendency to be sensational; They want to uncover the truth and reveal it to the world. People in the third decade of Virgo are able to endure a lot in both their careers and personal relationships if the quality of their work or love life is high enough. People best suited for Virgo are lonely and devoid of pretentiousness. They like people to behave as they really are, and to be true to themselves. Virgos have strong nurturing and protective instincts, which come out strongly when someone they love is victimized or attacked. In love, Virgo is warm and generous.


Virgos have a special talent for using words, writing, and speaking in an attractive manner. They are happy-go-lucky realists with a deep appreciation for life. There is an undying optimism about Virgo that is neither false nor delusional. In fact, facing and overcoming obstacles can be a characteristic of all aspects of Virgo's life. They can become excellent parents because of their complete independence and idolatry; Virgo people are usually quite traditional in family matters, especially in enjoying holidays and outings. Talk to astrologers┬аto know more about Virgo Decans.

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