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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Know about the Virgo Biggest Fear

Know about the Virgo Biggest Fear

Virgo is the sixth sign in the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Mercury, among the five elements is the earth element. In the body of Kaal Purush, the right of Virgo is on the waist. There are three Drekkanas of this zodiac whose lord is Mercury, Saturn, and Venus respectively, in which Mercury is a symbol of intelligence, knowledge, and decency, Saturn is a symbol of hard work, belligerent, serious analysis and Venus is a symbol of love, beauty, the softness of mind, kindness and greatness. Symbol of heart. The place where the planet Mercury sits with the planet starts giving the same results, so staying with Mercury, Saturn and Venus is auspicious for the person.

The sign of Virgo is that of a girl with flowers in her hand and they are exactly the same as their zodiac sign. The form of Virgo in the zodiac signifies the softness and simplicity of their mind, mind, and body, and holding a flower in hand shows kindness, compassion, love, and a positive side to each and every living being and nature. In short, Virgo people follow the rule of living and let live.

Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, which is known for its pure intellect and good nature. You can understand their simplicity and purity of mind only by looking at their eyes. Sincere mind and pure soul are their main symbols. Whatever phase of life is going on, it is seen as a helper for all the people around you. They love the happiness of others more than their own happiness. But even after having this nature, they are often misunderstood and declared guilty of adopting double standards.

As we mentioned earlier that there are three planets in Virgo whose lord is Mercury, Saturn, and Venus. The influence of the planet Mercury shows the good and successful side of their life, the planet Saturn shows their mental disorders and their negative spiritual condition, and Venus shows the softness and good side of their mind.

The position of Shani shows the biggest problem of his life in which mind and intellect clash. Due to the influence of Saturn, when a negative thought enters their intellect, then these people are not able to recover from it quickly and are constantly immersed in that thought, as a result of which it often affects the people around them without thinking. Understand that they start giving wrong reactions in anger, due to which they seem to be misunderstood.

If seen, the negative effect of Saturn is not always made on them, but whenever it is formed, then they themselves have to suffer a lot of mental pain. Despite being influenced by negative thoughts, these people eventually recover from mental troubles due to brainstorming and deep thinking, but people around them take the past things in their minds and gradually wrong thinking about them starts making. And this situation gives rise to the biggest fear in their mind.

They has a feeling of love and equality in their heart for every living being and nature and always wants that all people understand the best of his, but still, people around him constantly try to misunderstand them, so internally they suffer a lot. To save every relationship in life, they try hard to tolerate even the wrong things, but still, their fear does not leave them and again and again, they come in front of them with a new false allegation.


Tips to get rid of fear for Virgo


You should always keep in mind that being simple and good-natured is not a bad thing, it is a divine quality. People with bad attitudes and wrong thinking always try to give mental trouble to good people and you should not be negative by coming under the influence of such people. Stay as you are, always keep your good thinking good, keep doing good work and keep setting new dimensions of success in life fast.


If you are a Virgo and you have got a fear of something in your mind and you want to get rid of it, then you can get rid of fear by talking to astrology.

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