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Vipreet Raja Yoga will be Formed in January 2023

Vipreet Raja Yoga will be Formed in January 2023

After calculating the condition of the planets at the time of birth of any person, information about the yoga formed in his horoscope is available. Of all the yogas, Raja Yoga is considered the most special and extremely auspicious. Due to its effect, the person gets happiness, prosperity, wealth, and respect. As we all know, there are more than 30 yogas in Vedic astrology.

The most auspicious yoga of astrology is Vipreet Raja Yoga, as it is understood from its name itself that 'Viprit' i.e. opposite, that is, the lord of the negative house has an important role in the formation of this yoga. In the horoscope, when the lord of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house comes in conjunction, then the opposite Rajyoga is formed.

With the favorable effect of opposite Raja Yoga, you definitely get success. But you will get this success only when you cross the difficulties. In simple words, the natives who have opposite Raja Yoga in their Kundali have to face many difficulties, troubles, and losses to achieve success in life.


How many Types of Vipreet Raja Yoga are There?


There are three types of opposite Raja Yoga. Now let's go ahead and know which of these three Raja Yogas and how are they made.


Harsha Yoga


Harsha Raja Yoga is formed in the horoscope of natives when the lord of the sixth house is present in the eighth or twelfth house in the horoscope. With the effect of Harsh Raja Yoga, the natives get a healthy life, wealth, happy family life, respect in society, and a life full of luxury. On the other hand, if the lord of the sixth house is present in the sixth house only, then Harsha Raja Yoga is not valid.


Sarala Yoga


When the lord of the eighth house is present in the sixth or twelfth house in the horoscope, then Sarla Raja Yoga is formed. With Sarala Raja Yoga, the natives get a better character, wealth, strength, victory over enemies, etc. At the same time, like Harsha Yoga, there exists a condition that if the lord of the eighth house is present in the eighth house, then Sarala Raja Yoga will not be valid.


Vimala Yoga


Vimala Raja Yoga is formed when the lord of the twelfth house is present in the eighth or sixth house. Due to its auspicious effect, the natives get auspicious results like wealth, good character, strength, and spiritual power. On the other hand, if the lord of the twelfth house is present in the twelfth house, then Vimal Rajyoga will not be considered.


When will the Vipreet Raj Yoga be Formed in the Year 2023?


In the new year, many yogas and coincidences are being formed due to the transit of planets. In January 2023, due to the change in the zodiac signs of the planets, an auspicious time can start for many zodiac signs.

According to astrology, in January 2023, Vipreet Raja Yoga is being formed due to the transit of planets. On January 17, 2023, Shani Dev, the god of justice, will enter Aquarius. This will create an auspicious opposite of Raja Yoga, which can be beneficial for the natives of many zodiac signs. Let us know what is opposite Rajyoga and which zodiac signs can benefit from it.




Venus is the lord of Taurus who is known to give all kinds of materialistic pleasures and luxuries. On January 17, 2023, when Saturn will change its zodiac sign, then the people of Taurus will get the benefit of the opposite Raja Yoga formed due to its transit. Saturn will transit in the tenth house in your zodiac and this house represents job, profession, and workplace.

The people of Taurus will get successful in every field in the new year. At the same time, you will also get many benefits financially. Apart from this, there is also the possibility of foreign travel and this will give you financial benefits.




For the people of the Libra zodiac, the opposite Raja Yoga will be formed in the fifth house and the fifth house shows children and love. In the new year, you will get success in both your career and business. Along with this, you can get some such news from your children, which will increase your material happiness.




In the year 2023, Saturn's Shani Sade Sati second period on Sagittarius natives will end, due to which you will get the benefits of opposite Raja Yoga this year. In the year 2023, Saturn will transit in the third house in your horoscope and this house represents strength, bravery, and courage. You will be full of confidence this year. Your work will go very well and smoothly and in such a situation growth will be seen in your career, as well as your salary can also increase.


Everyone is very curious about the new year and in the first month of the new year i.e. January, there are going to be changed in the condition of many planets. One of these planetary transits is the transit of Saturn in its own sign Aquarius on January 17, 2023. With this transit, a very auspicious opposite Raja Yoga will also be formed, which is sure to affect every zodiac sign. But Taurus, Libra, and Sagittarius are the zodiac signs that will get special benefits from Vipreet Raja Yoga. Along with this, due to its auspicious effect, the natives will also get new opportunities for respect, progress, and growth. Talk to astrologers to get detailed information about the importance of Vipreet Rajyoga, its types, and its effects according to zodiac signs.

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