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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Venus Opposite Moon - Know its Effects

Venus Opposite Moon - Know its Effects

Venus opposite Moon aspects The way the Venus person shows love triggers the Moon person. Sometimes, this friction can be beneficial because it forces the Moon person to work through their emotional issues or traumas if they are hooked. However, if the Moon person tries to avoid their feelings and the Venus person tries to change them, the relationship may deteriorate.


Venus Opposite Moon Natal┬а

With a natal opposition between the Moon and Venus, you navigate the tension between your inner emotional experience and your outer relationships. At times, you may feel as though your sexual needs are in conflict with your feelings. Yet, when you find a harmony between your close-to-home articulation and values, you'll have the option to sustain and foster agreeable connections.

It could be significant for you to foster abilities in self-reflection and reflection, like through journaling or helpful modalities. By expanding your capacity to investigate your inward life, you will figure out how to become mindful of how you project your internal sentiments into your external connections.

In any case, you are powerless to allow your feelings to misshape your discernments so you are not mindful of the other individual's expectations. As you foster your abilities in reflection, you will likewise acquire the capacity to be a functional guide or tutor to other people. You will be able to help them uncover your emotional projections within your relationships.


Venus Opposite Moon Synastry┬а

In opposition to the Venus synastric aspect with the Moon, you are both sensitive to each other's feelings, although this sensitivity is heightened for the Venus person. The Moon person has the opportunity to push against the Venus person and work through their feelings as well as their childhood trauma, often related to a parent or mother. However, it is hard for a Venus person because they tend to absorb these feelings.

Over time, a Venus person can feel overwhelmed by a sea of emotions, especially if they are negative. This Moon opposition Venus solstice aspect is often determined by the Moon person, at least on some level. If they are willing to do the work and take responsibility for their feelings, this relationship can really flourish and the couple can experience beautiful, warm, emotional closeness.


Venus Opposite Moon Transit┬а

Venus opposes the natal Moon transit, you may feel a craving to reach out to friends for social activities or intimate conversations. You may also be aware of emerging new desires for a relationship, which prompts you to increase social activities and meet new people. This is an extraordinary time for taking care of oneself, sustaining yourself, and focusing on your internal sentiments.

You will feel whatever is out of equilibrium in your connections, and any feelings of yours that are not met. Being able to express your feelings with a partner or friend will not only help them to know what's going on with you. You'll also gain more clarity and objectivity by listening to their feedback. Relationships will become an important area of growth and meaning for you during this transit.

But it can be a more solitary and creatively productive time period. If you perform music or are involved in any type of artistic or literary expression, you will find during this time that you are able to channel emotional issues inventively and imaginatively into your work. By expressing feelings and inner desires through creative processes, you can also gain important insight into your own feelings.


For some couples, this Moon is gentle and creative, unlike the Venus transit. The openness of the Moon person attracts the Venus person, who will then be emotionally tender. In this scenario, two people have very different temperaments, yet they are able to learn and grow from each other.

Moon individuals project all their negative emotions onto Venus if they are not careful or if they dislike their partner. Venus will be forced to assimilate all the good and bad feelings of the Moon and may feel trapped. If you want to know more about Venus Opposite the Moon, talk to astrologers online.

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