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Antardasha of All The Planets in The Mahadasha of Venus

Antardasha of All The Planets in The Mahadasha of Venus

In the birth chart of the native, if Venus is in exalted sign, self-sign, center, triangle, and is the ruler of the auspicious house, then it gives auspicious results. In this Dasha, the person gets material happiness. There is complete happiness between woman and child. Jewelry is made and the happiness of land and property, and the vehicle are obtained. Success comes in education. Interest in music, fine arts, and painting increases. There is a special advantage in business. There is a sudden receipt of money in Satta or lottery. Income increases. The person's desire for material happiness is fulfilled. Prestige, and prosperity increase. Ambitions are fulfilled. Venus gives inauspicious results when it is weak, debilitated, or in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house. Disputes with women, differences with friends, and loss of money. Mental anxiety suffers from genital diseases. The health of the wife and children remains poor. There are fights with relatives. The sum of the expenses remains high. If you have any questions related to venus Mahadasha then talk to astrologers and get solutions for your problems.


What is Venus Mahadasha Venus Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Venus, the Antardasha of Venus lasts for three years and four months. If it is in exalted, friend and self-sign, is combined and aspected by auspicious planets and Venus is also under the influence of benefic planets and if it is situated in exalted, friend or self-sign, then it is the Antardasha of Venus in the Mahadasha of Venus, then the person will get his auspicious results.  The person gets a lot of benefits only by doing normal labor. The person resides abroad for higher education or research work. The native also gets success in love affairs. The person spends more days on their own maintenance.


Venus Mahadasha Mars Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Venus, the Antardasha of Mars lasts for one year and two months. If it is in exalted, friend and self-sign, then it is aspected by auspicious planets and Venus is also under the influence of benefic planets and if it is situated in exalted, friend or self-sign, then if Mars is in the Mahadasha of Venus, then the person will have land, clothes, and ornaments. attains favoritism. Taking special interest in bold and mighty works, the person receives state honors. Other lustful thoughts frustrate the native. If Venus is under inauspicious influence and Mars is in debilitated or enemy sign and is aspected or aspected by malefic planets, then during the Mahadasha of Venus and Antardasha of Mars, the sex in the person becomes so fierce that he commits rape. The native has public condemnation. The native gets defeated in fights.


Venus Mahadasha Saturn Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Venus, Saturn's Antardasha lasts for three years and two months. If it is in exalted, friend and self-sign, is combined and aspected by benefic planets and Venus is also under the influence of benefic planets and if it is situated in exalted, friend or self-sign, then there is an Antardasha of Saturn in the Mahadasha of Venus, then it will give normal results to the person. only provides. The person gets benefits from the women belonging to the lower class. The person becomes lazy and does everything late. If Venus is inauspicious and Saturn is in a debilitated or enemy sign and Saturn is in the Antardasha of a debilitated sign, the person suffers the loss of female happiness, children's suffering, and work-business is destroyed. Lack of happiness and a strong desire to attain happiness makes the person most unhappy. The person always keeps sad.


Venus Mahadasha Sun Antardasha


The Antardasha of Sun in Venus Mahadasha lasts for one year. If it is in exalted, friend and self-sign is combined and aspected by auspicious planets and Venus is also under the influence of benefic planets and if it is situated in exalted, friend or self-sign, then in the Mahadasha of Venus, the person will get mixed results. it happens. The native gets benefits in business, association with upper-class people, and ancestral property. If Venus is under the inauspicious influence and Sun is in debilitated or enemy sign and is aspected or aspected by malefic planets, then in the Mahadasha of Venus and Antardasha of Sun, the native gets squabbles with parents and brothers. There is a decrease in bed happiness, in vain enmity is created with people. Many problems and obstacles are present, the person gets tired of solving them.


Venus Mahadasha Moon Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Venus, the Antardasha of the Moon lasts for one year and eight months. If it is in exalted, friend and self are combined and aspected by benefic planets and Venus is also under the influence of benefic planets and is situated in exalted, friend or self-sign, then only the Antardasha of Moon in Mahadasha Venus is auspicious to the native. Will bear fruit Especially in the business of white goods and makeup items, the person gets profit. Sex prevails in the person and opportunities for happiness are obtained from ruminants. There is a special inclination toward art and a person earns fame in the field of art, poetry, poetry, etc. If Venus is inauspicious and Moon is in debilitated or enemy sign and has vision or vision from malefic planets, then during this period the native suffers from sexual problems due to Mahadasha of Venus and Antardasha of Moon. The native is condemned because of attachment, greed, and jealousy.


Venus Mahadasha Ketu Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Venus, the Antardasha of Ketu lasts for one year and two months. If it is in exalted, friend and self-sign, is aspected by auspicious planets and Venus is also under the influence of benefic planets and if it is situated in exalted, friend or self-sign, then the person gets good news if Ketu is in the Mahadasha of Venus. . The person remains happy with the receipt of good clothes, vehicle, and accommodation. Sometimes profit opportunities are created by betting, race, lottery, etc. If Venus is under inauspicious effect and Ketu is in debilitated or enemy sign and is expected by malefic planets, then the person remains engaged in low karma in Venus Mahadasha and Antardasha of Ketu. There is instability in the person's intellect. There are quarrels with eight friends, loss in cases, and mental anguish due to the death of someone.


Venus Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Venus, the Antardasha of Rahu lasts for three years. If it is in exalted, friend and self-sign is combined and aspected by auspicious planets and Venus is also under the influence of benefic planets and is situated in exalted, friend or self-sign, then there is Antardasha of Rahu in the Mahadasha of Venus, then there will be instability in the mind of the person. Accidentally, the person gains money. Manglik works are done in the house of the native. The enthusiasm of the person increases and he remains happy. The ending of the Dasha remains normal. If Venus is inauspicious and Rahu is in debilitated or enemy sign and is aspected or aspected by malefic planets, then in the Mahadasha of Venus and the Antardasha of Rahu, the person becomes devoid of Dharma and Karma. The person has unnecessary disputes with friends and relatives. There is obstruction, transfer, and loss in the work of the native. There is anger, jealousy, and hatred in the mind of the person.


Venus Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Venus, Mercury's Antardasha lasts for two years and ten months. If it is exalted, friend, and self-signed, combined and aspected by auspicious planets, and Venus is also under the influence of benefic planets and situated in exalted, friend, or self-signed, then Mercury is in the Mahadasha of Venus, then the person may have suffered from the troubles in the past. derives pleasure from The person gets good profit in business or business. Jobseekers get posts and salary increments from higher officials. The person gets state honors. The person participates in the works of religion and the affection of the family remains. If Venus is inauspicious and Mercury is in a debilitated or enemy sign and is aspected by malefic planets, then in the Mahadasha of Venus and Antardasha of Mercury, the person longs for the company of a married woman. The person has a reputation. The native gets loss in business. There are obstacles to the marriage of the native's daughter. 


Venus Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Venus, the Antardasha of Jupiter lasts for two years and eight months. If it is in exalted, friend and self-sign and if it is situated in an exalted friend or self-sign, then the person gets auspicious results if there is an Antardasha of Jupiter in the Mahadasha of Venus. The person performs religion, deeds, and charity for the sake of appearance. The person courtship secretly. If Venus is under the inauspicious influence and Jupiter is in debilitated or enemy sign and is aspected or aspected by malefic planets, then in the Mahadasha of Venus and Antardasha of Jupiter, the person completes his knowledge but he does not get benefit from his knowledge. The person is always confused and is interested in both yoga and enjoyment.

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