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Venus in Uttarasadha Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

Venus in Uttarasadha Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

If Venus is aspected by the Moon, the native is able to rest like a king. If Venus is aspected by Mars, then the person becomes wealthy, owner of a house, place, vehicle, etc. If Venus is aspected by Jupiter, then the native will divorce or remarry after marriage, due to which the native's family will be ruined. will also be huge. If Venus is aspected by Saturn, then the person will be full of wealth and will get all the pleasures.

Being in the Uttarasadha Nakshatra of Venus makes the person beautiful, attractive, pious, does special research on religious books, prudent, sensitive to clothes, sweet in speech, lover of pleasant places, serving saints, and doing charity. Marriage happens late.

The person is strong-willed, healthy-hearted, cold-blooded, does not back down without completing his goal, has a devotion to God, and has full faith in religious practices, apart from everything else, the person is more of a religious nature. The person who speaks thoughtfully strengthens his thinking and is great and powerful. The people of this Nakshatra are good connoisseurs of craftsmanship, which is why many people of this Nakshatra choose their future in the field of art and also achieve success. Many of these people are house builders, engineers, manufacturers of goods, and map makers who also earn good money from this field.

Venus in Uttarasadha Nakshatra Pada 1

In this phase, the person is beautiful, charming, winning everyone's heart with his charm, following religious rules, desirous of learning from religious books, prudent, and careful to dress.

Venus in Uttarasadha Nakshatra Pada 2

In this phase, the person is busy in his work, works with dedication and hard work, lies towards religion, dirty. The person shows his clothes but is careful.

Venus in Uttarasadha Nakshatra Pada 3

In this phase, the person has the same qualities as in the third phase, he harms himself due to enemies, is materialistic, and is more attached to domestic animals. There is a person who is troubled by family happiness. The native has to suffer from diseases like diabetes in this phase.

Venus in Uttarasadha Nakshatra Pada 4

In this phase, the person helps the poor or needy, helps saints, likes to visit beautiful and mysterious places, and has full faith in religious practices. The person is the best and sweetest speaker.


If Venus is in the Uttarasadha Nakshatra, the person becomes ungrateful, ridicules religion, dirty, careless towards dress, enmity, mechanic, materialistic, attached to domestic animals, less happy with family, and diabetes patient. Talk to astrology┬аto know about the changes due to the effect of Venus in Uttarasadha Nakshatra.

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