Vasumathi Yoga - As per Astrology
The power of Vasumathi yoga can make you independent and wealthy. The auspicious planets that cause Vasumati yoga are Jupiter, Mercury, Moon, and Venus. When the auspicious planets are in the 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses from the Lagna or Moon horoscope, Vasumati yoga is formed. Vasumathi yoga is formed with positive planets in the 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses from the Lagna or Moon.
The meaning of Vasumati yoga focuses on the connection between abundance and wealth. Individuals who have this yoga in their birth charts are generally considered lucky and may encounter advantageous circumstances that result in a stable financial situation. The meaning of Vasumati yoga does not only represent material wealth. Individuals with Vasumati yoga in astrology are blessed with good fortune and may see relative ease in earning money in their lives.
The Chaya Bhavas are the houses of growth and determination towards the materialistic aspect. These Bhavas give instant results with great potential and perseverance. This Bhava will give you the freedom to fulfill your desires. Being extremely powerful, it brings results according to your hard work and also enhances luck to help you live a comfortable life.
Vasumati Yoga In Astrology
Vasumati yoga is a powerful yoga that achieves extraordinary wealth and growth. The Vasus in mythology include eight Vasus who represent eight types of wealth. The position of auspicious planets like Jupiter, Mercury, Moon and Venus will be in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses from the Lagna or Moon and will form Vasumati yoga.
Being the house of courage and determination, the third house will give you the courage to win in all aspects of life. The sixth house gives you the ability to face any challenge boldly. The tenth house is the professional house and the eleventh house fulfills every desire as it is the house of fulfillment. All these powerful houses will bless the person with materialistic fulfillment.
Vasumati Yoga Benefits
Vasumat is a Persian word meaning beauty and fortune. Vasumat yoga is a powerful type of Dhana yoga in Vedic astrology. If Vasumat yoga is strongly manifested, the native acquires immense wealth. The houses of expansion are called Upachaya. It signifies advancement, progress, and growth in materialistic pursuits. The Upachaya houses have more auspicious and positive effects produced by the planets than any other planet. Upachaya consists of houses 3, 6, 10, and 11. Upachaya houses do not contain Dharma or Moksha houses. From this, it is clear that Upachaya houses are associated with prosperity, wealth, passion, and desires. Vasumat yoga gives gains in success and wealth.
In conclusion, Vasumati Yoga in Vedic Astrology is a rare and exceptionally fortunate celestial alignment to be discovered. The alignment of Jupiter and Venus brings the gift of wealth, wisdom, and peaceful relationships. Its rarity and dependence on special astrological circumstances make it a priceless occurrence. Those who understand the meaning and impact of Vasumati Yoga will be better equipped to travel the path of life with greater awareness. Those who are fortunate enough to find Vasumati Yoga in their horoscope. If you want to know more about Vasumathi Yoga then talk to astrologers.