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Types of Kundali and Birth Chart Usefulness

Types of Kundali and Birth Chart Usefulness

Janam Kundali is the letter in which the position of planets, Nakshatra, and zodiac signs are shown in the sky circle at the time of your birth. There are twelve houses in the Kundali and the zodiac signs and planets are sitting in these boxes through which the fate of a person is calculated. The numbers in the Birth chart represent the zodiac signs.


Zodiac signs in the Birth Chart


The zodiac signs are sitting in the house, there is one zodiac sign in one house. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Each of these zodiac signs has its own nature, and character. The zodiac sign that a person has in the first meal is called the Lagna Rashi. Whereas the zodiac in which Moon is sitting is called the Moon Rashi and in which Sun is sitting is called Sun Rashi.


Planets in the Birth Chart


Planets are sitting in the house of your birth chart. One, or two or more planets may be sitting in any house of the birth chart. The combination of planets is called Yuti. These planets are related to each other. This relationship is of enmity, friendship, and equanimity. The number of these planets in astrology is nine. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. These planets have their own nature. Among these, Moon, Jupiter, and Venus are benign planets.

On the other hand, Sun, Mars, Saturn, and Rahu-Ketu come under the category of cruel planets. Along with this, they are also related to the zodiac signs. Except for Rahu-Ketu, all the planets are the lords of one or two zodiac signs. All these planets have an exalted sign and a low sign.


The usefulness of the Birth Chart


Talking about the usefulness of the Birth chart, every creature or thing in the world has been affected by the influence of planetary constellations. Every creature in the world is affected by the movement of the planets, he behaves in the same way as the nature of the planets. Knowing the past, future, and present of every person can be recognized by astrology, but now the question arises in what way and how the past, future, and present of a person are recognized. Actually, planets have properties and every planet is affecting some or the other subject of our life. The planets of this birth are determined on the basis of our past births, whereas those planets are assessed about the past lives, whereas to know about the present life, attention is paid to the current planetary condition and Mahadasha because the same According to whether we are behaving in the present or whatever is happening now in our lives, it happens according to them. The utility of Kundli is also seen in our lives today because in the fast-paced life we ​​do not know what we are doing today, what kind of fruit we will get in the future, and whether the education we are taking is beneficial for us. Yes or No. If we have taken the wrong education then we will be far behind in this competition, hence also the usefulness of Kundli has increased. In this running life, even one of our wrong steps puts us far behind, so with the help of a Birth chart, the person can already know and understand what would be right for him to do in the present and future and what would be better not to do.


Types of Kundali


Talking about the type of Kundli, then there are eight main types of Kundli.


Lagna Kundali


It provides information on all the subjects of life, what is hidden in the present and future as well as what will be the qualities of the person, it tells all the Lagna Kundli.


Chandra Kundali


It also provides information on all the topics related to the life of the person. Chandra Kundli also holds special importance. For the future results of children, the Chandra Kundli is always studied.


Hora Kundali


Hora Kundli tells about the wealth and property of the person, it gives all the information about how the wealth will be in the life of the person, and how his business will run.


Dreshkan Kundali


This Kundli gives information about happiness in the life of the person, the happiness of siblings, and happiness in the life of the person, Dreshkan Kundli gives all the information about how it will be.


Saptamsa Kundali


Saptmansh Kundli shows the happiness of children in the life of the person, it gives us all the information about the happiness of children in the life of the person.


Navmansh Kundali


Navmansh Kundli gives information about female happiness in the life of the person, how will be the detailed form of the life of the person or if there is a woman, then how will be the form of a man in his life, this Kundli tells us all this information.


Dwadshansha Kundali


How will the happiness of parents be in the life of the native? Dwadshansha Kundli gives all the information on whether the parents of the person will go with the person or how the relationship will be with the parents of the person.


Trishansh Kundali


Trishansh Kundli reveals all the information about the desires and character of a woman in life.


A birth Chart is useful in every aspect of life. If you also want to know more about the utility and type of Kundali, then talk to astrology.

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