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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

These Days The Money Lent Does Not Come Back

These Days The Money Lent Does Not Come Back

You would often do money transactions with your friends and relatives. But according to astrology, a transaction done on a wrong day can ruin you. All your money can sink. The chances of getting back the loaned money are absolutely zero. Today in this news we will tell you about those three days on which you should not do credit transactions.




Neither should you borrow money from anyone on Tuesday nor should you give it. According to astrology, if you do this then the chances of getting your money back are less. At the same time, even the money borrowed from someone will not work for you. The presiding deity of this attack is Kartikeya, who is considered very fierce and cruel. Taking a loan on this day has been prohibited in the scriptures. Instead of taking a loan on Tuesday, if there is an old loan, it should be repaid.




On this day also one should neither lend nor borrow. Money lent on this day does not return. Even if a person wants lakhs, he is not able to repay it quickly, otherwise, they remain in debt. Thursday is also not considered auspicious for lending and borrowing in the week. It is believed that if you lend money to someone on Thursday, the chances of getting it back are reduced. Not only this, even if a person wants lakhs, he is not able to pay soon.




Money lending should be avoided on this day also. Otherwise, you will have to suffer loss. According to astrology, the money lent on Saturday never comes back. On the other hand, if you borrow money from someone on this day, you will not be able to repay that money even if you want to. It is prohibited in the scriptures to lend or borrow on Saturday also because you may have to suffer a loss due to this. It is believed that money lent on Saturday never comes back.┬а

If it is necessary to take money, then according to astrology, it can be taken on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday. With this, the borrowed money is repaid quickly and also brings economic prosperity.


Don't Give Money On Amavasya


No matter how close your own someone is on the day of Amavasya, you should not lend to him. It is believed that negative forces are active on the day of Amavasya, which can also affect your wealth. That's why on this day you should not give money to anyone even by mistake.


Do Not Give Money In Bhadrakal


Any auspicious work is prohibited at the time when Bhadra is engaged. Bhadra is considered an inauspicious time. It creates disputes and differences. Transaction of money at this time causes difficulty in getting money and relations get spoiled.


Do Not Give Money In The Evening


In the evening, when the sun is setting or in the twilight, one should neither give loans nor take money from anyone. Due to this your debt increases and money flows outwards. Not only money, but no other things like milk, curd, ghee, oil, or even salt should also be borrowed from anyone in the evening.




Money is that truth related to every person's life, without which it is meaningless to imagine life in today's world. A man works hard day and night to earn money so that he can enable his family to stand among society and establish himself. But sometimes luck does not support and a person is not able to earn money even after working hard and often keeps struggling with poverty. Apart from luck, the reason for this can be some unknowing mistakes related to money transactions, which we are not aware of. If you want to know which time is auspicious for money transactions, talk to astrology.

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