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Surya Beej Mantra - Meaning, Method, and Benefits

Surya Beej Mantra - Meaning, Method, and Benefits

Mantras also represent planets and in our birth chart, lots of planets are placed at the negative house,s or sometimes this position of planets gives you negative impacts in your life so the solution to this negativity in your life is a few mantras according to it planets the mantras are the only remedies which can easily be done by everyone for their negativity in their life and today we are going to talk about Surya Beej mantra which spreads positivity around you and help you to reduce your negativity from your life and help to bring happiness and spread positivity in your life. Today we are going to talk about the history and the benefits of the Surya mantra.


Surya Beej Mantra - ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः ॥


Om hraan hreen hron seh Suryay Namah



History Of Surya Beej Mantra



  • According to astrologers Surya mantra was given by Lord Brahma which represents the sun and while citation of the Surya Beej mantra we are directly praying to the Lord's sun which helps you to change the position of the planet in your birth chart Surya mantra is also a beej mantra.

  • In fast generally people used to recite the Surya Beej mantra in the morning time when the sun used to rise and at the time when people used to recite the Surya mantra it means that person is praying to the God sun.

  • They always used to give water to the....o clean your mind and keep it calm and composed.

  • Surya Beej mantras represent the Gayatri mantra which starts from home and is directly connected to the atmospheric sound and environment whenever we used to recite the Surya mantra it will directly connect our soul with the atmosphere and nature and make oversoul clean.

  • According to our ancestors we have to stay connected with our nature and have to pray for the sun and Surya God daily for our happiness and to get rid of all negativity in our life.

  • This is the basic history of the Surya Beej mantra which is always spreading happiness and positivity around the person role used to chant the Surya mantra.

Benefits Of Surya Beej Mantra


  • Surya is the Sanskrit word for son and this Soria is always representing the solder dynasty in Hinduism Hindu traditional people used to pray sorry oh God for their happiness and prosperity.

  • In medical. People used to worship a Surya or Brahma in the morning time to bring prosperity and wealth to their life and family which always help them to stay away from disputes and conflicts.

  • If you decide to Surya Beej mantra in your day-to-day life it will help you to keep your seven days of the week full of lightning and the seven horses of the chariot represent the seven colors of the rainbow and seven days of the week which bring lights and colors in your seven days of the week.

  • Generally in ancient times people used to worship the sun god on Sunday and they used to think that Sunday is the day of the Surya God and they always used to recite the Surya mantra on Sundays.

  • According to astrologers, this Surya tradition was found in Indian states like Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Orissa. And in this state. People believe that if they will pray to Surya idols in their daily life, it will bring prosperity and happiness to their life and bring lots of positive and reduce negative effects on their life.

  • Whenever you pray to Surya god It will always connect you with nature and help you to spread positivity around you, Even your thoughts will be clear and calm. Your mind will be in a proper state, and it will also help you to increase your mental and physical health.

  • These are a few positive points of sodium antra and it always spread positivity around you.


Hope you get a clear idea about this surreal mantra it always spread positivity and keeps your mantel health and physical health good. And if you have any queries related to sodium antra you can ask to talk to astrologers.

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