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Sun in Ardra Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

Sun in Ardra Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

If the sight of the Moon is on the Sun, then the person has to stay away from home to maintain the family, suffering from his close ones. If the sight of Mars is on the Sun, then the person becomes sloppy, troubled by his enemies. If the Guru's vision is on the Sun, then the person is knowledgeable of tantra-mantra, wandering here and there.

If the Sun is in Ardra Nakshatra, then the person is a highly educated, wealthy, famous astrologer, numerological mathematician, and accountant. If Sun Mercury is in conjunction with Jupiter on this foot, then twins are born. If it is in conjunction with Venus, then the person is working in the defense or constable department and suffers from vision defects in old age. The native is humorous, educated, ridiculing, affectionate, soft-spoken, and family affectionate. If there is a union with the Guru, then there is a minister or a government official in a high position. If it is in conjunction with Saturn, then the metal purifier is dangerous for wives and children. Meghavi in тАЛтАЛmany faculties, male/female after the age of 40, a reputed astrologer, gets regular income from the treasury or financial advisor or bookkeeper. The person is a great scholar, character, and successful astrologer, rich after 39 years, and becomes famous. The male native gets married in the 25th year and the female person is married in the 23rd year.

Sun in Ardra Nakshatra Pada 1

In this phase, the person is a high education person, earning money, a well-known astrologer, and a bookkeeper. If there is a conjunction of Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter in this phase, then twins are born to the native. If Sun is making yoga with Venus, then the person is going to work in any legal department. The person is troubled by the problem of eyes in old age.

Sun in Ardra Nakshatra Pada 2

In this phase, the person is a writer of humor, a well-read, a lover of ridicule, who speaks sweet speech, enhancer of love in the family, if the Sun forms yoga with the Guru in this phase, then the person may be a minister of a party or some other person of the government. There is a high-ranking officer in the department. If Sun forms yoga with Shani, then the person is most harmful to the daughter among his children.

Sun in Ardra Nakshatra Pada 3

In this phase, the person is a good performer in more than one field, after the age of 35 to 40 years, the female / male person is a great astrologer. The person is not able to increase his earnings much because he is an accountant or advisor.

Sun in Ardra Nakshatra Pada 4

In this phase, the person has knowledge of scriptures, has good character, astrologer, after 40 years the person becomes rich and popular. In this, the male native gets married at the age of 24 to 25 years and the female person is married at the age of 22 to 23 years.


If the Sun is in Ardra Nakshatra, then the person who works for the benefit of society, a politician, a fault-finder, is clever, not stable, dishonest, and troubled. According to beliefs, when the Sun is in Ardra Nakshatra, then the earth receives Rajoguni. To know about the effect of the Sun in Ardra Nakshatra, take online astrology consultation.

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