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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Sun in 1st House for Zodiac Signs

Sun in 1st House for Zodiac Signs

The first house is of Aries. The factor of the first house is called Sun. The physical structure, form, color, knowledge, nature, childhood and age, etc. of a person are considered from this gesture. The ruler of the first house is called the Lord of the ascendant. Even if the lord of the Ascendant is a malefic planet, it gives good results.

According to astrology, if the sun is in the first house in the horoscope, then it is auspicious for you. This is a sign that you are very generous in your behavior and enjoy helping people. Very lucky for siblings. Builds good relations with the government and respects the father. Your livelihood increases and your mind is engaged in religious works. Along with this, this house can also suffer from baldness and eye problems.

The people whose birth charts have Sun in the first house have a special kind of aura on their faces. If the Sun is strong then such a person is recognized separately in society. The person has the most chances of getting government service, even after starting work at a small level, the person is successful in making his identity. Such people have amazing foresight power. Such people become a bit stubborn when aspected by malefic planets. If the Sun is weak, there is a possibility of heart-related disorders.

Sun in 1st House for Aries

For Aries, the Sun is in the first house, they have Panch Mahapurusha Yoga. Their self-confidence develops very quickly and rapidly. Their self-confidence is built through the noble path. With Sun in the first house of Aries, the person feels unhappy in the company of his wife. Their relationship with their wife is adversely affected. The person is careless, does not do his business properly, and loses earnings. A person living with Sun in the first house of Aries leads a turbulent life.

Sun in 1st House for Taurus

Sun is in 1st house for Taurus, they are from a wealthy family. The native enjoys managing some land and buildings, property, and other luxuries in life. The person gets happiness and peace through his partner. The person loves her and enjoys sexual pleasure. The person tries to make his business flourish effectively and carefully. They are more materialistic and ignorant of the spiritual side of life and self-realization.

Sun in 1st House for Gemini

For Gemini, when Sun is in the first house, the native's brothers and sisters help and support him. This is a reflection of his attractive personality. For Gemini, having the Sun in the first house gives the person an influential and loyal wife. The person achieves success and earns enough money. Such a person is active, aggressive, and influential and leads a happy and peaceful family life. For Gemini, a person with the Sun in the first house is beautiful, attractive, courageous, brave, and hardworking.

Sun in 1st House for Cancer┬а

Sun in 1st house for Cancer, they can be great politicians. They can be civil officers. The person has to face some obstacles and hindrances in business. Ultimately, they try to make his business flourish and succeed. They are worried about family property and also suffer losses from the family. Their ego develops when they are emotionally attached to everything they do in their life. They would take their family's resources as food as their primary source of wealth.

Sun in 1st House for Leo

Leo with the Sun in the first house, can be very arrogant and self-centered. Their nature is angry. For Leo, the person does good deeds when the Sun is in the first house. The person is hard-working, egoistic, and influential, yet he appears irresponsible towards his wife and business activities. Leo, the person with the Sun in the first house does not show interest in business and domestic matters. Leo, a person with the Sun in the first house tries to expand his business and become successful.

Sun in 1st House for Virgo

For Virgo, the Sun in the first house, foreign opportunity will change their entire life. A specific insight can change them. They belong to another dimension. They are solitary by nature. A few subtle visions change their entire life. The person does good deeds. The person does not try to prosper and hence suffers some loss. He leads a troubled family life. The person gets a promotion between the ages of 24 to 36 years. During this period, he increased his wealth and luxury.

Sun in 1st House for Libra

Sun in the first house for Libra, they are very creative. They get a lot of prosperity after marriage. A person with Sun in the first house for Libra marries a loving partner and enjoys unparalleled sexual pleasure. Their ego gets hurt whenever they do not get support from their network circle and their friends; Their self-confidence decreases.

Sun in 1st House for Scorpio

For Scorpio, with the Sun in the first house, the person is hard-working, influential, and egoistic. He goes about his daily business with confidence and pride. The person gets respect from the government and society. It reflects his personality. They may be spies on their children and spouses. He has some karma to repay his father in this life. Either they will bring about some change in their father, or their father will bring about some change. His father has a significant influence on his career choice. Their father may be in government, railway, or chemical business.

Sun in 1st House for Sagittarius

For Sagittarius, with the Sun in the first house, the person is beautiful, healthy, lucky, and religious. The person gets a beautiful and fortunate wife and enjoys sexual pleasure. For the Sagittarius, having the Sun in the first house brings success in business. They have a lot of pride and ego. Their religiosity towards religion, and understanding of higher knowledge, comes from father or father-like figures. His entire religious life would be the mission of his entire life.

Sun in 1st House for Capricorn┬а

For Capricorn, with the Sun in the first house, they will get sudden fame in life. They get inheritances from their ancestors. Their ego will be greatly hurt by their father in life. For a Capricorn, a person with the Sun in the first house neither looks beautiful nor healthy. The person feels unhappy with the company partner. The person is hard-working and influential and gets respect in the government and society. They get inheritances from their ancestors. They are naturally authoritative people.

Sun in 1st House for Aquarius

For Aquarius, when Sun is in the first house, the person earns money and gets respect in the government and society. They are very authoritative people, and they work on their own, and they don't take orders like kings don't take orders, but here they are forced to listen to and accept the accusations of other Suns, which makes them confused. And feel irritated. They lack self-confidence because they want to see themselves as an individual, but are unable to do so.

Sun in 1st House for Pisces

A person with the Sun in the first house for Pisces, the Sun in the first house for Pisces is courageous, courageous, and influential. They conquer enemies and travel a lot to maintain their position. They are hardworking and do their business carefully. In terms of status rather than power, the natives usually get royal enemies in their lives. For Pisces, the person with the Sun in the first house is weak in enjoying sexual pleasure.


If there is Sun in the first house then it will be considered exalted. The first house represents the career, honor, and social status of the mother, the higher education of your children, the teacher of your children, the long-distance travel of your children, the fortune of children, the loss of your enemies, and your victory over them. Apart from this, it also shows debt and disease. This house reflects your life partner and his/her desires. Apart from this, this house also reveals the health of your in-laws and the health of your life partner. The first house shows prospects related to the father's business and tells about the father's fortune, children, and education. According to online Astrology consultation, you can know what the effect on your zodiac will be sign due to the presence of the Sun in the first house.

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