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Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 6th house - Know its Effects

Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 6th house - Know its Effects

Sun is popularly known as the luminary of our solar system. It is the one that signifies a person’s personality and spirit of an individual. The sun also shows the creativity and power of an individual. The vital life pressure that gives us energy, vitality, and the determination to be successful is the golden glow of the solar. The sun plays a substantial function in astrology because it provides the other planets with power. The sun also influences the factor of a person representing himself in front of others. The sun defines the uniqueness of an individual. The sun induces leadership qualities and the will to succeed in life in an individual.

Ketu is the south node of the moon. It has been considered a planet in Vedic astrology because of its impact on human life. Ketu has been determined as malefic in nature. Ketu denotes a person of evil thoughts and deeds, born into a low caste. It is considered malefic because it originates from demons and evils. Rahu and Ketu both are considered the cause of eclipses. Ketu overall induces qualities that are either not good for an individual or society. 

Sun and Ketu in 6th House

Natives with combined Sun and Ketu will face some of life's most difficult challenges. Sun represents fatherhood, paternal ancestors, management, politics, government, dignity, fame, head, heart, and soul. Detachment, depression, conflicts, separation, wisdom, and legal issues are all associated with Ketu. If Sun Ketu is in one house, the native is likely to be estranged from his father or in conflict with him. Natives have had incredible spiritual experiences. The houses indicate the advantages of the Sun and Ketu Conjunction.

Positive Effects of Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 6th House

    • The individual is a brave and courageous person. The individual knows to tackle their enemies and become victorious over their enemies. The individual also has the habit of winning in competition.

    • The individual has good leadership qualities and is a born leader. The individual is also active and energetic by nature.

    • The individual has a good belief in spirituality. The individual also has good knowledge of religious rituals and beliefs.

    • The individual is well known in society and has good fame in society. the individual is blessed with a lot of powers.

  • The individual belongs to a royal and a reputed family. The individual may be working as a doctor, police, or in the army.

Negative Effects of Sun and Ketu Conjunction in 6th House

    • The individual may be full of ego and has built in a lot of mental stress in their minds. The individual does not have socializing skills.

    • The individual is not compatible with the government and has issues with them like financial losses.

    • The individual may be facing many health issues. The individual has weak eyesight. The individual may be facing abdominal burning due to problems. The individual may be suffering from fever on regular basis. The individual has bones problem too.

  • The individual may also not be on good terms with their family and father. They both have a lot of misunderstandings between them. The individual and their father may have parted ways with each other. The father may also be having a chronic disease. The wife may also be suffering from health problems. 


Ketu, known for overcasting an individual’s life, has shown the characteristics that will make an individual's life difficult. The individual faces a lot of health problems which makes him conscious of their own health. The individual lacks social skills which make it difficult for them to fit in society. due to this they also don’t have good relations with their family and father. The individual’s wife and father both will suffer a lot of health problems. The individual needs to develop good social skills, and take care of their health and family’s health too, the individual should put their ego aside in different situations. Individual should keep up their beliefs and pray that everything goes right. You can get an astrology phone consultation for more information about Sun and Ketu Conjunction in the 6th house and ask one question for particular insights.

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