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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Secret Of Health From Your Birth Date

Secret Of Health From Your Birth Date

Just as astrology gives detailed explanations regarding health and disease, similarly numerology is also able to express its views on health-related issues. The relationship of the ruling planet of each number has a deep impact on health. In such a situation, the person who is most affected by the number may soon be affected by diseases related to that planet. Let us try to understand how your name number is very special in revealing the secrets of your health.


Number 1 Health


According to Numerology Predictions, number 1 gets ownership of the Sun. Those people whose birth number is 1 are mainly influenced by the Sun. In terms of health, the Sun is considered to control the capacity of the heart, arteries, head, liver, stomach, and bones. Among the diseases related to these, high blood pressure and heart diseases are special. People with these numbers have strong energy for life. Therefore, they have good control over their health. Immunity is good. But sometimes a person becomes too enthusiastic and weakens his internal life force. Number 1 should avoid addiction to intoxicants and medicine. Liver, kidney, and lung problems can cause problems.


Number 2 Health


Number 2 is owned by the Moon, people who are born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th have a special influence on the Moon. From the health point of view, the disease effects of Moon include tuberculosis, water-related diseases, arthritis, dizziness, colic, ascites, paralysis, smallpox, piles, tumors, cough, cold, eye diseases, etc. People with number two are greatly influenced by their lifestyle and environment. Cold, dark, and dirty places have a higher risk of infection, which requires caution and care.


Number 3 Health


People with the number 3 get ownership from Jupiter. Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th have more influence on Jupiter. Due to the influence of Radix 3 and Jupiter, they have problems related to obesity. High blood pressure, blood enhancement, and Vayudva yoga can have more effect. Jupiter controls the liver, lungs, nerves, and all internal organs in the body. People who are affected by this number 3 need to pay attention to the fat in their bodies. Skin diseases, joint pain, diabetes, gastritis, cough, paralysis, and heart-related diseases can cause trouble.


Number 4 Health


People with number 4 are more affected by Rahu. Those born on 4, 13, 22, and 31 are under the control of Rahu. Rahu is a shadow planet and is known for its ups and downs and wonderful deeds. People with number 4 may be troubled by diseases related to Rahu. Internal life force keeps them active, only then do they keep diseases away and have a good ability to move forward. There is a greater risk of major accidents or serious injuries. Due to the influence of Rahu, colds, influenza, lung problems, piles, urine, constipation, tumors, anemia, and kidney problems especially affect them. Intoxicants and spicy fatty foods should be avoided.


Number 5 Health


Number 5 is ruled by Mercury. The person who is born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd is influenced by the number 5 and lives under the influence of Mercury. The effect of Mercury controls speech, memory, nose, hands, and nervous system. Major diseases like sleeplessness, diabetes, depression, tumors in the nose or head, stuttering, epilepsy, muteness, nervousness, cough, hoarseness, arthritis in hands and feet, and dizziness can have more effect on the number of diseases.


Number 6 Health


Number 6 is ruled by Venus. Those born on 6, 15, and 24 are more affected by Venus. People born on these dates may be affected by Venus diseases. People with these numbers may be more likely to suffer from diseases related to the lungs, throat, nose, and head. easily fall prey to. They should protect themselves from heart problems. Diseases related to infection and serious diseases related to the urinary system also affect people with these numbers due to the influence of Venus.


Number 7 Health


The effect of Ketu is visible in people with the number 7. A person born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th is related to the number 7 and is influenced by Ketu. This number symbolizes subconscious and magical will. Too much friendship, bad nature, talkativeness, and mental stress can cause many diseases. Can be easily influenced by the environment of your place of residence. Bronchitis, cough and cold blocked nose, poor eyesight, psycho-hysteria, lung problems, tonsillitis, skin, and chronic diseases can easily affect them. There is a high possibility of addiction due to intoxicants, hence these things should be avoided.


Number 8 Health


Number 8 is influenced by Saturn. People who are born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th are affected by Saturn. Due to the influence of Saturn, chances of getting infected with many chronic diseases like epilepsy, leprosy, toothache, jaundice, deafness, dropsy, diphtheria, swelling of glands on the neck, blood infection, joint pain, constipation, paralysis, and anemia are more likely to be seen. Can get. The effect intoxication affects them quickly, hence intoxication should be avoided. It is important for them to wake up early, exercise, and breathe fresh air.


Number 9 Health


Number 9 is influenced by Mars. People who are born on the 9th, 18th, and 27th have more influence on Mars. The effect of Mars is related to a person's head, face, kidneys, knees, waist, bladder, reproductive organs, heart, and circulation. Due to the influence of this planet, blood-related diseases can quickly affect the person. Tumors, smallpox, measles, headache, all types of fevers, venereal diseases, and high blood pressure, inflammatory diseases can also affect. Apart from this, blood loss due to accidents also affects the vitality.


With the help of astrology, health and health-related problems can be easily detected. But there is a difference between the two, that in astrology, health-related problems are detected before time and solved. And when we talk about medicine or doctors, people go to them after the disease occurs. Therefore, there is no doubt that astrology is as important as medicine. Take Astrology Phone Consultation to know more about the secret of your health from your date of birth.

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