Saturn Opposite Sun - Know its Effects
Saturn opposite the Sun can be an exhausting time as you may feel burdened and pessimistic about the challenges and obstacles to your progress. The trials we all go through seem more severe and more numerous during this transit and may make you feel more burdened and restricted in your freedom or self-expression.
These challenges to your willpower or ego may come from people who are too difficult to fight against, such as parents, bosses, or those with some authority over your life. This is why it can be so frustrating that even though you want to be free, you may have to struggle through boring routines.
This period may be a low point but it is important to remember that this is probably happening for a reason. It is possible that due to inauspicious times at this time, your ambitions will get ruined. There may be some more lessons to be learned so that when this transit passes you will be ready to take full advantage of new opportunities.
Saturn Opposite Sun Natal┬а
You are more comfortable being the power behind the throne. But as you mature, you should determine whether you avoid stepping into positions of power because you don't want the extra responsibility and scrutiny from others, or because you've strayed too far from your self-critical ways. have become are brought.
The false humility of letting yourself down or turning a blind eye to your true ambitions will never do you any real good. In fact, you'll probably end up doing most of the work, getting no glory, and still bearing the blame for yourself and others.
You may be more fearful of not living up to your own principles and ideals, so you'll do it by proxy. It is highly possible that you stumble when you try to lead or follow well. Congratulations, you are human! But what matters most is how you elevate yourself and become better at being a person you will enjoy.
Saturn Opposite Sun Synastry┬а
In the early stages of your relationship, Sun may feel attracted to Saturn's mature, stable, disciplined, and responsible qualities, but over time these same qualities can feel restrictive, limiting, and even oppressive. Saturn can play the role of parent, teacher, or executive to Sun, making Sun feel constrained and confined by Saturn's severity and inflexibility.
If the Sun can benefit from Saturn's responsible and concerned attitude and Saturn can avoid taking problems or concerns too seriously, a positive sense of maturity, responsibility, and relationship stability can overcome negative tendencies.
Saturn Opposite Sun Transit┬а
You are in danger of having your authority and authenticity challenged. If you try to prove your right to do what you are doing and remain who you are, chances are you are headed for a downfall. In other words, you can't afford to take the challenge too personally, even if it feels like it. Likewise, you shouldn't dismiss these challenges as silly before they've fully aired. everything has its time.
It would be wiser to let things take their course, be who you are and do what you do if it feels right and natural. If, however, you are not acting and are from a place of integrity, it would be best to reset. Back down to gain a better position, even if it means resigning from a position or ending a relationship. Authority comes and goes, but true command comes from self-possession.
Sun rules your self-respect and ego, so during this time, it may be low, better be patient, focus on hard work, and take care of yourself, keep it cool for a while. Saturn opposite the Sun is a time for strengthening your character in the face of any adversity, which can give you more confidence in the future. If you want to know more about Saturn Opposite Sun, then talk to astrologers online.