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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Saturn Opposite Moon - Know its Effects

Saturn Opposite Moon - Know its Effects

Saturn opposite the Moon is one of the strongest tests on the emotional plane. Feelings of sadness, depression, and loneliness are characteristics, which bring with them the potential for great emotional conflict and isolation.

You realize that you are depriving yourself of true emotional needs and that you cannot continue as before. You feel cut off from others as you have to examine your true motivations and sense of purpose. You take things too seriously now and suppress your emotions, so you easily put up a wall between yourself and others.

You may view things from an overly realistic and negative perspective, so you must maintain a sense of order and self-discipline. To grow psychologically is very difficult, but at the same time very rewarding.

Saturn opposite your natal Moon. This is the point at which your necessities and your obligations to others are in struggle with one another. It appears as though something needs to give since you might find that you can't have both. For example, your employer may now be particularly demanding and insist that you work late, and by the time you get home, your loved ones may be unhappy that you're on time for dinner.

Weren't home for and you're too tired to do anything else. The result is that you withdraw emotionally from others and may feel lonely or isolated from loved ones. You may be out of touch with your family on domestic issues and you may not be aware of it. An important supportive relationship may end now if you are unable to strike a proper balance between your personal and professional life.


Saturn Opposite Moon Natal┬а

You almost have no choice but, to be honest about your feelings. Since you often wonder whether you'll stay full and get the nutrition you crave, you've probably always been indecisive about your feelings and needs. You probably feel this way because you didn't get the support and care you wanted as a child. You often had to rely on yourself and find ways to defend yourself. It won't inspire you to get warm and fuzzy at HomesteadтАФquite the opposite.

You either lean too heavily on Saturn's rigid and demanding ways, understanding that it is better for others to be like you. Or you try to control the people you love in the name of taking care of them. Ultimately, try to become better at accommodating an imbalance of give and take, rather than relying on expectation and duty.


Saturn Opposite Moon Synastry┬а

You feel restricted by your romantic partner's serious outlook and approach to life and your relationship. When the first person's Moon opposes the second person's Saturn, then they feel that your outlook is limited or obstructing. Either way, you're both right, but find yourself tied to your partnership by your need for security.

Your different points of view are the reason you were attracted to each other in the first place. Each of you needs something that the other has and takes that as the only natural approach to things. Share your perspective. Without your partner, it is like sitting alone at one end of a teeter-totter.


Saturn Opposite Moon Transit┬а

It's sufficiently hard to get a handle on your feelings, not to mention oversee another person's. You've probably done too much of that, and that's probably how you came to the set of constraints you're facing. You may feel stuck in many relationships where it is nearly impossible to open up to someone. It's also possible that your work, or anything that once served you a solid purpose, is emotionally unfulfilling.

It tends to make you feel sad. But you better think about it the moment you open up. Of course, it doesn't feel good. Still, it feels honest. Your feelings are out there, and not just going through the motions to get by. You are now at a vantage point to pursue something you find truly compelling. You can't mute your emotions constantly and relentlessly with the belief that you can turn up the volume on everything.


Now you should take more responsibility and take control of your life and be mature enough, otherwise, your pain, suffering, and guilt will become unbearable. The best thing to do is to genuinely commit to personal development and try to feel more sure from the inside. If you want to know more about Saturn Opposite Moon, then talk to astrologers online.

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