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Saturn Number in Numerology - Effects and Remedies

Saturn Number in Numerology - Effects and Remedies

Saturn is the lord of the number 8. The people of this Radix are often of introverted nature, these people stay away from publicity and stay single-mindedly engaged in their work. They think about everything seriously. They are calm, serious, and innocent in nature. Dr. Manmohan Singh belongs to this radix. People with Radix 8 also get success slowly, there are often obstacles in their work. They often do important work for the world.

Effect of Saturn on Number 8

According to numerology, the number of people who are born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of the month is 8. These people are very honest and hardworking. At the same time, they always help others and support the truth only. They take a breath only after completing any work. That's why they easily achieve success in every task. However, these people live simple life even after being successful in life.

Saturn Number in Astrology

According to numerology, there is no doubt that people with the number 8 are very hardworking and intelligent. Such people think intelligently about every topic in the discussion. In numerology, the ruling planet of the number 8 is Saturn, and therefore people who are born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th have special blessings from Saturn. The people associated with this number are very hardworking, intelligent, and have a keen eye on everything. They are generally very calm in nature. They are very reserved type and no one knows what is on their mind.

Personalities of Number 8

Natives of Radix 8 are not very talkative and do not like to show off. They only care about their work. Due to the slow movement of Saturn, the natives of this Radix get success in life slowly and gradually. They don't think about the challenges in life; They do the work with full dedication, due to which they really get success.

It is said that people with this number achieve victory in all aspects of life. They are stubborn and can do whatever comes in their mind. They try to get everyone to agree with their point of view. These people do not get mixed up with anyone easily. That's why their friends are fewer and they get less support from others. Whatever they do in their life, they do on their own.

People with a date of birth on the 8th, 17th, and 26th are the owners of immense wealth and they are fully blessed by Shani Dev or Shani. According to numerology, if we talk about the financial condition of the people of Radix 8, then according to numerology their financial condition is generally stable because these people do not spend much; At the same time, they save and gradually earn a good amount. Such people believe in investing. For some reason, their education remains incomplete. Natives of Radix 8 get success in those works, which require less effort.

According to numerology, the people who are related to Radix 8 are mostly associated with engineering or electronics. These people can be good businessmen, they get profit from industries like building materials, iron, and oil-related things. These people are also associated with professions related to the police or the army. According to numerology, these people get success in every field.

The life of Radix 8 people is full of ups and downs, so they should work with a lot of patience and mind. Due to high ambitions, the nature of some people becomes very harsh and stubborn. The economic condition is good because people with Radix 8 have a tendency to save money. They spend money wisely. This is the reason why their work never stops due to a lack of money. He lives life like a king.

Remedies Of Number 8

Black ants should always keep adding bread or flour to the black ants, these people should keep their nature simple to reduce the struggle in their life, this will automatically reduce all their problems. It is very good.

You have to chant Lord Shiva's mantra Om Namah Shivay in your mind all the time and while reciting the mantra, pay attention that you should not move your tongue in such a way that you have to pronounce the mantra.

Those people who think that we are suffering a lot, those people should go to the Hanuman temple daily and do Pradakshina 11 times.


Due to Saturn being the lord of the number 8, their height is less and their complexion is normal. Their way of walking, getting up and sitting, etc. is somewhat different. Mostly the hair of such people is curly. If you want to know more about the number 8 ruled by Saturn then talk to astrology.

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