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Saturn Nakshatra - Three Saturn Nakshatra and Their Results

Saturn Nakshatra - Three Saturn Nakshatra and Their Results

Saturn is the ruling planet of Pushya, Anuradha, and Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra. Due to the planet Saturn, a person with a pure heart, and character, fails to stop the influence of the outside world. Jatak gets help but if it is not there then Jatak falls down with a bang. The person does work but his behavior is not good. Due to a lack of a stable mind, one wanders here and there and treats people who disrespect them like them.

There are Three Saturn Nakshatra - Pushya, Anuradha, and Uttara Bhadrapada


Pushya Nakshatra 


Pushya is the eighth constellation among the twenty-seven constellations. This Nakshatra is considered very auspicious. If there is a Thursday with Pushya Nakshatra, then its importance increases further. It is believed that whatever auspicious work is done in this constellation, good results are obtained. People born in this Nakshatra are generous, tolerant, and charitable. They have deep faith in religion and work. But they have to struggle a lot in their childhood.

The lord of this Nakshatra is the planet Saturn and its deity is considered to be Guru. Due to the influence of these two planets, the people born in this Nakshatra progress a lot in life, but their hard work and dedication contribute a lot to this. Due to the struggle in childhood, they understand the worldliness and the objectives of life at an early age.

The effect of this Nakshatra is seen in Cancerians because all four phases of this Nakshatra are in Cancer. Due to the Moon being the lord of Cancer, the people of this constellation have a fickle mind. They like to travel a lot. They have special attachments toward people of the opposite sex. Married life is usually pleasant for them because they give respect and honor to their spouse.


Anuradha Nakshatra


Saturn is the lord of Anuradha Nakshatra, while its four feet are in Scorpio, due to which the people born in this Nakshatra are also influenced by Mars. That's why people born in this Nakshatra are generally enthusiastic and passionate. Let us see what are the qualities of the people born in this Nakshatra.

According to Vedic astrology, the lord of Anuradha Nakshatra is Lord Shani and the lord of Rashi is Mars. That's why both these planets have an effect on the people born in this constellation. Also, their deity is Mitra Dev, who is one of the 12 Adityas.

As the name suggests, the friend of this Nakshatra is the giver of friendship, gentleness, and trust. Anuradha is a group of three or four stars in the sky. The four phases of Anuradha Nakshatra are in Scorpio, that is, people whose zodiac sign is Scorpio, their Nakshatra is Anuradha and its symbol is lotus, a beautiful and soft flower.

The Lord of this Nakshatra is Shanidev, due to which they are very forthright. Although sometimes trouble also comes in his affair, he never has a hatred for anyone in his heart. Due to speaking openly, they make few friends but they can do anything for their friends. The people of Anuradha Nakshatra are very religious and do not get disheartened by any kind of obstacle. They start earning money from a very young age because they are struggling a lot.


Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra


Shani Dev is the lord of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra and Brihaspati Dev is the lord of the zodiac. The person born in this Nakshatra is influenced by both Shani Dev and Jupiter Dev and both have enmity with each other. Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is a group of two stars, which looks similar to the shape of a bed or platform.

According to astrologers, Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra means beautiful left foot. While Purva Bhadrapada is a symbol of sudden anger, Uttara Bhadrapada gives the power to control anger. This yoga takes a person closer to salvation. Because the zodiac sign of this constellation is Pisces, which indicates going from this world to the other world.

This Nakshatra is considered to be a balanced Nakshatra, which, due to this yoga, is oriented towards knowledge and quietness in the Dasha of Saturn. For this reason, the nature of the person born in this Nakshatra is quite balanced. At the same time, they are the ones who speak after thinking and are imbued with religious thoughts.

People born in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra have very impressive personalities. They are good orators, due to which they have many friends and well-wishers. Because of this nature, they get a lot of respect and honor in society. They never back down from working hard and then their luck also favors them according to their hard work. They also get a lot of benefits from loved ones, relatives, and children.

You will see understanding in their every action, they do not do any work by getting carried away by passion or emotions, for which they have to repent later. He never forbids any person to any work. There is always a smile on his face, which makes people his slaves. They never discriminate between high and low and treat everyone equally.


Due to Saturn being the lord of these three constellations, the person is surrounded by family problems in his childhood itself. The economic condition of the native's family is weak from the beginning. There is tension in married life also because due to work one has to stay away from his wife and children. They don't trust his wife because of her being away, and because of this, they keep asking her to act according to her wish. If you want to know about the constellations of Saturn, then talk to astrologers.

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