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Saturn Line Palmistry: Saturn Line in Hand

Saturn Line Palmistry: Saturn Line in Hand

Shani is placed not only in the horoscope but also in the palm. Shani Parvat and Shani Line have been given a lot of importance in palmistry. Although Shani Line is not in the hands of all people. But for those who have it in their hands, their luck shines. It affects the economic status, identity, success, etc. of the native.

Just like the money line, marriage line, life line, heart line, etc. in the hand, similarly there is a Saturn line in the hand. It is also called the fate line. It is said that only lucky people have this line on their hands. This line starts from Manibandh or the middle part of the hand and goes to Shani Parvat. Shani mountain is under the middle finger of the palm.


Saturn Line on Palm


Saturn Line i.e. starting from the lower part of the palm and going to the middle finger, if this line is broken, then luck will not be with you. It takes the mind to do wrong things. Such a Saturn line is also not considered good for health.

If the line of Shani is clear and clean, that is, it is not broken from anywhere and can be easily seen in the palm, then such people are benefited because of Shani. Such people are lucky in many cases. Makes more progress in less time. Such people are the ones who help others.

Those people whose hand starts from the upper part of the wrist and goes to the Shani Line or Bhagya Line, then such people are very lucky. They earn a lot of money at an early age and make a name and identity on the basis of their hard work.

If a line leaves the lifeline and reaches Shani mountain, then it is also very auspicious. Such people easily become successful in every work. But this line should not be broken, otherwise, it does not give full results.

Such people who have a line in their hands that passes from Guru Parvat to Shani Parvat, then such people also earn a lot of money. These people are very money minded and are fond of living a luxurious life.

The line which starts from the upper part of the wrist i.e. Manibandh and reaches directly to Shani Parvat is also called Shani Line or Luck Line. If this line reaches directly to Shani Parvat without any obstruction, then such a person makes a lot of progress in his life. Such people earn names in every field.

According to palmistry, if the fate line or Saturn line is crooked or cut, then a person may have to face many problems in his career. On the other hand, if this line is deep, clean, and unbroken, then the person makes a lot of progress in life. There is no dearth of money and grains with such a person. Such people are very lucky due to they get more progress in less time.┬а

If a line leaves the lifeline and goes directly to the Mount of Saturn, then it is called the subline of Saturn. If this line is not cut from anywhere, it gives good results. People with such a line get success in every work by hard work.


It is considered very special to have Shani Parvat or Shani Line in the hand. The elevation of Shani mountain and its nature affects a person's life. Auspicious results are obtained when Saturn mountain is in an auspicious position. But if inauspicious it creates harm and health problems. Due to bad Saturn, a person does his own loss. Shani mountain is under the middle finger in the hand. According to palmistry, if there is a quadrangle on the Saturn line in the hand, then it keeps the person away from bad company. Such a person is a well-wisher of society and does the welfare of society. The aim of such people is to do good to society. If you want to know more about Shani Line then take an astrology phone consultation.

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