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Sagittarius Son: Personality, Positive and Negative Traits

Sagittarius Son: Personality, Positive and Negative Traits

Sagittarius Sons are energetic, enthusiastic, savvy, and more philosophical than their jokester y energy might allude to. They love to feel free and oppose rules, guidelines, requirements, and timetables. They very much like doing what they do, when they want to make it happen. They’re conceived voyagers, globe-trotters, travelers, and nonconformists.

Sagittarius Son Personality

Truly capable, cutthroat, and outdoorsy, most Sagittarius sons are worked to play sports. They blossom with the test of winning (that Fire sign streak), however, they likewise partake in the group fabricating (their open and well-disposed character makes them a hit with most different players).

They love to put themselves out there, and they have a ton to say as they’re discerning and social. Numerous Sagittarius sons find words come effectively to them, and they appreciate engaging individuals. Composing follows through on this multitude of fronts.

Sagittarius Son Positive Traits

True Speakers

Sagittarius Sons will express out loud whatever others really think, yet could never try to complete resoundingly. On the off chance that you need a genuine assessment, ask a Sagittarius… Yet you would be wise to be certain you need the entire, unvarnished truth since that you’ll get.


From one perspective, they love to get the breeze in their fur, another skyline on their guide, and it’s all carefree great tomfoolery. Then again, assuming that you’re working with them/living with them/attempting to make firm arrangements with them… This requirement for opportunity can challenge. Wonderful travel/end-of-the-week buddies, fairly troublesome associates, and ‘settling’ accomplices.


It isn’t so much that Sagittarius Sons are stupid; they truly do understand that others aren’t all healthy or loaded up with sincere goals. However, their default settings are most certainly gone on to ‘TRUST’ and ‘Accept’. They could do without scaremongering or whinging. They would rather not draw in with antagonism or awful news until there’s no discrediting it. This hesitance to blunder away from inspiration can make them appear to be guileless.


Albeit warm and adoring, reliably walk to their own drumbeat and are not willing compromisers with regard to stuff they didn’t think up/plan/consent to at first. They’ll do what they’re doing, regardless of whether you like it essentially, and that implies you can truly depend on them when your arrangements/needs adjust.


On face esteem, Sagittarius seems to be an energetic, free-wheeling wild partier however, where it counts, they are profound scholars as well and love to sort stuff out, disentangle an issue, and jab at a hypothesis. They really favor the psychological and scholarly domain (like their contrary sign, Gemini) over the close-to-home one. They like to ‘think’ versus’ ‘feel’, and (this is many times a major shock as you get to know them) their underlying warmth is all the more a surface skin. They’re a savant on the most fundamental level.

Sagittarius Son Negative Traits


Since they are so centered around the now, Sagittarius Sons could act wild. Inside cut-off points, suddenness and following their senses appears to be fabulous, yet you can’t expect that they will continuously be secure. Their relaxed point of view may at times make them act unreliably, which frequently causes them problems. Because of their impulsivity, they regularly underestimate things, which could give the feeling that they are being reckless and discourteous by the way they act.

Exceptionally Gruff

Sagittarius is known for its brand name straightforwardness, its bluntness can regularly prompt miscommunication and a lot of harmed sentiments. The fire signs’ relentlessness in communicating the fact of the matter is superb, however, their transparency risks irritating somebody. They never keep down and talk the revolting yet good-natured truth without at any point glossing over it.

Sincerely Far off

A Sagittarius cherishes their freedom and likes to stay away from whatever can cause them to feel nostalgic. While dating a Sagittarius, don’t anticipate that they should place your necessities first to show their affection and care for you. They will be there for you, however, at times it could be trying for them to grasp your sentiments.


Sagittarius Sons are very touchy and possessive of the people they esteem most. They can possibly be both your dearest friend and most horrendously awful foe.


Sagittarius Sons likewise esteem themselves profoundly. With regard to intensity, they know about their situation and are never hesitant to voice it. Notwithstanding, this likewise makes Sagittarius shaky and stubborn in certain circumstances where they might encounter a tough time conceding that they are off-base.


While they have a harsh tone, they respond similarly as quickly and are probably going to lament repudiating somebody the exceptionally following day. At the point when their fury overpowers them, they hurt the people who are near them. Talking to Astrology will definitely help you control your outrage. These individuals may likewise have lacking sympathy since they will generally turn off their feelings button in the greater part of the circumstances.

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