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Rules and Responsible Planets for Becoming Neech Bhang Raj Yoga

Rules and Responsible Planets for Becoming Neech Bhang Raj Yoga

If a planet is sitting in a debilitated sign or in an enemy house, then it is a general belief that it will give bad results in matters related to the house in which it is sitting. But apart from this belief, there is a belief that even a debilitated planet gives results similar to Raja Yoga in some situations. This type of yoga is known as Neecha Bhang Raja Yoga.

Rules for Becoming Neech Bhang Raj Yoga

  • When the debilitated planet is in the center of the Ascendant house or the Moon.

  • The zodiac in which the planet is debilitated. If the lord of that zodiac sign is located in the center of the Ascendant or the Moon, like Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn, then if Saturn, the lord of Capricorn, is in the center of the Ascendant or the center of the Moon, then Neech Bhang Raj Yoga is formed.

  • The zodiac in which the planet is debilitated. If the exalted planet in that sign is in the center of the ascendant or the Moon, like Saturn is debilitated in Aries, then if the exalted Sun in Aries is in the center of the ascendant or the Moon, then the debilitation is dissolved.

  • In the zodiac sign in which the planet is debilitated, the lord of that zodiac has aspect on the debilitated planet, like- Mercury is debilitated in Pisces, and if Jupiter, the lord of Pisces, aspects it, even then Neech Bhang Raja Yoga is formed.

  • Apart from this, the lord of the sign of the debilitated planet and the lord of the exalted sign of the planet should be in the center of the Ascendant or Moon, for example, if Saturn's debilitated sign, Mars, is the lord of Aries and Venus, the lord of its exalted sign, Libra, is in the center from the Ascendant or Moon. For Shani, Raj Yoga is formed for Shani.

  • The zodiac sign in which the planet is getting debilitated. If a planet that is exalted in that sign is sitting with it or aspects of it, then the debilitation gets dissolved.

Responsible Planets for Neech Bhang Raj Yoga┬а

In Neech Bhang Raja Yoga formed by the Sun, if the person faces problems from the government, then they also get benefits from the state. The person is able to take forward his policies with the help of senior people.

In the Neech Bhang Raj Yoga formed by Mercury, the person can use their intelligence to move forward from wrong deeds. The native also gets friends who show them the right direction. They also get the cooperation of the people.

The native becomes weak and emotional when the Moon is debilitated. One who trusts others quickly and due to this can create trouble for themself. But along with this, one behaves with knowledge and love.

In this yoga formed from Mars, the person can become more aggressive. Can be a hasty worker. The person can get a job in the government sector. They can get profit from the property.

In this yoga formed by Venus, the person becomes rich and gets fame among the people. There may be more ego in the person or there may be a tendency to show off.

Through this yoga formed by Jupiter, the person gets economic progress through their knowledge and cleverness. They are efficient in their work.

Due to the effect of this yoga formed by Saturn, along with efficiency in a person, practical knowledge is also good.


Neech Bhang Raj Yoga formed in the Kundali of any person is an auspicious and very effective yoga. With the effect of this yoga, a person gets happiness and prosperity in life. They do not have to struggle much and they also get the cooperation of others in some form or the other. But on the contrary, when the situation of Neech Bhang Raj Yoga is formed, then auspicious results are not directly achieved here, but the person gets something good but has to struggle a lot for that. Talk to astrologers and know which yogas are being formed based on the position of planets in your horoscope.

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