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Rahu Mount Palmistry: Effect of Mount Rahu on Life

Rahu Mount Palmistry: Effect of Mount Rahu on Life

According to palmistry, if Rahu mountain is present in an advanced position in the hand, then such people never lack money in life and their luck also supports them in every work. According to palmistry, there are certain lines and signs related to all the planets in your palm. At the same time, the special importance of different mountains in the hand has also been told. One of these mountains, Rahu mountain is present in the middle of the palm. According to palmistry, the position of Rahu mountain tells the things related to the wealth and fortune of a person.

Palmistry says that Mount Rahu is located exactly in the middle of your palm, below the headline. If the fate line clearly passes through Rahu mountain and reaches Shani mountain, then such people enjoy all kinds of happiness in life by their philanthropic, talented, and religious qualities.


Mount Rahu Effect on Life


The area of Rahu mountain in the palm is considered to be right in the middle, below the headline, near Mars and Venus mountains. The fate line passes through this mountain and goes up to Shani mountain. If Rahu's area is considered to be very strong and advanced, then such a person is definitely lucky. If the fate line is clear and deep from this strong mountain and moves forward, then such a person becomes philanthropic, talented, religious, and enjoys all kinds of happiness in life. If the fate line is broken in the palm but the Rahu mountain is developed, then such a person once rises very high financially but then later falls.

If this mountain moves away from its place in a hand and moves towards the middle of the palm, then that person gets to see many bad days in his youth. If the center of the palm is deep and the fate line is moving forward broken, then the person lives like a beggar in youth. If Mount Rahu is less prominent, then such a person is of fickle nature and destroys his wealth in his own hands.

According to palmistry, if there is a sign of Nakshatra on Mount Rahu in the palm, then such people get sudden wealth in life. Along with this, these people progress in life and lead a life full of luxuries. On the other hand, if there is a mark of a triangle on Rahu mountain in the hand, then such a person reaches great heights at a young age. These people get a lot of fame in political work. If Rahu mountain is seen developing in a person's hand, then the luck of such people supports them a lot. These people have more inclination towards religious works. Along with this, they also get a lot of respect in society.


If a line originates from Mars in the palm of a person and touches the lifeline along with the fate line or cuts it to the heart line. So such a line is called Rahu Rekha. According to palmistry, there is no definite number of these in the palms. If the Rahu line intersects the lifeline, it causes defects. According to palmistry, if this happens, troubles start coming into a person's life. Apart from this, problems related to children also have to be faced. On the other hand, if the Rahu line intersects the fate line, then the life partner has to face health problems. Apart from this, if we do business then problems start increasing there too. If the Rahu line touches someone's heart line, then it indicates the separation of lover and girlfriend. If you want to know more about Rahu mountain, then go through the online Jyotish consultation.

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