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Rahu Mahadasha for Virgo Ascendant - Know its Effect

Rahu Mahadasha for Virgo Ascendant - Know its Effect

Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, which is an airy planet. Rahu is also airy but here it is situated in an earth sign. Since the relation of Mercury and Rahu is positive, the air of Rahu keeps on pushing the person to go up, but the earth element of Virgo also keeps the person grounded. Rahu is the significator of skill, while Mercury is associated with intellect and intelligence. Such natives do well in the management field. Rahu here also gives a strong desire to get a name and fame in their life.

Such people have amazing courage and determination. They are not even afraid of enemies and are often victorious. However, such people sometimes have to suffer on the health front. Their communication and argumentative abilities make them great in debate and conversation. These people face all the challenges with determination. Rahu in Virgo also gives the qualities of a politician to the native. These people enjoy authority and a position in the government. There are also chances of starting your own business. Such natives can also do well as writers and articles. However, their journey to success is not always easy and there are chances of some hurdles.

Results of Rahu Mahadasha for Virgo ascendant

Rahu is the ruler of the first house in Virgo ascendant. Being the ruler of the first house, Rahu represents your form, sign, caste, body, age, happiness-sorrow, discretion, brain, nature, shape, and overall personality of a person. To know about these subjects at any time, the native Virgo ascendant must study the place of Rahu in his horoscope.

The cancer sign falls in the eleventh house for the Virgo ascendant. Rahu in the eleventh house for Virgo ascendant gives a good and satisfactory lifestyle. In the matter of career, business, money, family, love, and everything luck can be supported. An understanding and caring life partner is obtained. The look is attractive. There may be some health-related problems.

Positive Effects of Rahu Mahadasha for Virgo Ascendant

When Rahu, which is called the shadow of Shani Dev, is auspicious in the horoscope, it makes the person a pure devotee, a complete destroyer of enemies, strong, and intelligent. On the contrary, if Rahu is not properly positioned in the Ascendant Kundli, then most of the results are inauspicious. Taurus and Gemini are the exalted signs of Rahu and Scorpio and Sagittarius are considered to be the debilitated signs of Rahu.

If the deity Venus is auspicious, then there is happiness in the family, wealth, family, and family support. The speech of the native can be fierce. Succeeds in competition. Obstacles go away. There is success in professional life. By coming in Gemini, the person gets complete happiness in land, house, and vehicle. Work comes in better condition. The family supports the native, there is victory in the competition. The person makes a lot of progress in the Mahadasha of Rahu. If Budha is inauspicious, then there is a slight decrease in the auspicious results of Rahu. Although Rahu gives auspicious results.

Negative Effect of Mahadasha of Rahu on Virgo ascendant

If Rahu is in the Ascendant in Virgo, then most of the results will be inauspicious. There is discord in hitched life, there is the loss in partnership work, relations with the father are not good, and the person is an atheist, and travels foreign. If Buddha is auspicious, then auspiciousness should be known in the results of Rahu. The destiny of the person does not support him. Pitrabhakt is not of religious tendency. Hitched life is not happy, there is no profit in partnership work.

The person does not get the complete happiness of land, house, vehicle, and mother due to his debilitated sign Sagittarius in the fourth house. Work also does not remain in better condition. There is a possibility of foreign settlement. There is a child-related problem, and a situation of sudden loss is created. Relations with elder brothers and sisters are not satisfactory. The memory of the person is bad and such a person becomes an atheist, he does not get along with his father. The mental condition worsens.

The person remains confused. The mind becomes sharp, a son is born. One gets benefits from an elder brother and sister, and health remains good. Here inauspicious results come from Rahu. Marriage happens late. The person is intelligent, hardworking, and well-spoken, and does not get the support of younger-elder brothers and sisters and family. Relations with wife and partners get spoiled.


If Mercury is also present here along with Rahu, then the person will be a strong enemy of a high order. Such a person will always be victorious over enemies. Such a person is going to break like death on the enemies. Although many enemies are made during the lifetime of such people, in the end only such people get victory. If Mercury is afflicted and weak in the horoscope, then the person will waste his money in the wrong place.

There will be unnecessary expenses. The person may have to go to jail during his lifetime. The person's money will continue to be spent on court-court, hospital, and medicines. Avoid doing any kind of illegal work, otherwise, such a person may get into a lot of trouble due to which he may have to go to jail. Through
Astrology Phone Consultation, you can know in detail about Rahu Mahadasha in Virgo Ascendant.

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