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Antardasha of All The Planets in The Mahadasha of Rahu

Antardasha of All The Planets in The Mahadasha of Rahu

The Mahadasha of Rahu in a person's horoscope is of 18 years. Along with the Mahadasha of Rahu, the Antardasha of all the nine planets comes alternately and they have different effects on our life. It is said that the houses which are aspected by Rahu are afflicted by the Mahadasha of Rahu. Rahu's uncertainty prevails in both profit and loss matters. Just like rainfed agriculture. There can also be a bumper crop and the whole crop can also be soil. After small successes as the result of the hopes given by Rahu, the person gets trapped even more badly. There is sudden growth and profit in career and business. Rahu can also make way for happiness to come in life. During this time a person moves towards spiritual activities. Natives can get a chance to go abroad during this period. Due to the auspicious effect of Rahu in the horoscope of the native, a person gets a lot of respect. When Rahu is auspicious, the person travels abroad. The auspicious effect of Rahu in the Kundali takes a person to a very high position in politics. Due to the auspicious effect of Rahu, a person does not get tired even after working hard.


What is Rahu Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Rahu, the Antardasha of Rahu is of two years, eight months, and days outside. If Rahu is conjunct or aspected by exalted zodiac, friendly zodiac, and auspicious planets in the birth chart, then auspicious results are obtained. In the Mahadasha and Antardasha of auspicious Rahu, the person gets sudden and sudden progress and wealth. The person gets the rights. The native's inclination towards politics increases. If Rahu is of enemy or debilitated zodiac sign, then the person suffers and suffers a loss due to deception. The person suffers from discord and disease. The person is afraid of fire, poison, and snakes. To know more about the Antardasha and Mahadasha of Rahu, talk to Astrologer.


Rahu Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Rahu, Mercury's Antardasha lasts for two years, six months, and eighty-eight days. In the Mahadasha of auspicious Rahu, the person gets knowledge from the Mahadasha of high or benefic Mercury. The mind of the person becomes stable. The person impresses everyone with his speech power. There are many sources of income for the native. The native's interest in writing and reading increases. Due to the influence of inauspicious Rahu, in the Antardasha of inauspicious Mercury, one gets severe pain. The native gets failure in every task. The person makes false speeches. Due to this, they get failure. The intellect of the native is evil. There are obstacles to their fate.


Rahu Mahadasha Venus Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Rahu, the Antardasha of Venus lasts for three years. In the case of auspicious Rahu, if Venus is the causative planet and is under its benefic influence, then there is Antardasha of Venus in the Mahadasha of Rahu, then the person gets many pleasures. The mind of the native remains fickle. The mind of the native remains fickle. The person lives at two ends of life sometimes lives a life full of luxury and sometimes studies religious and auspicious texts. In the Mahadasha of inauspicious Rahu, the person's happiness decreases due to Venus, which is seen by the debilitated and enemy sign Venus and malefic planets. The native has opposition from his relatives.


Rahu Mahadasha Sun Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Rahu, the Antardasha of Sun is of ten months and twenty-four days. If Rahu is in benefic influence and Sun is aspected by exalted zodiac, and self-born and benefic planets, then in the Mahadasha of Rahu, the person's work and business expands in the Antardasha of Sun. The person gets money and food. In the field of politics, a person gets respect. The native gets the ancestral property. One does charity and charity for the sake of appearance and praise. In the condition of the inauspicious Sun, the person keeps thinking negatively and suffers from anger for no reason. The native has a desire to quarrel with anyone without any reason. The father of the native suffers. The native has disputes with higher officials in his business and work.


Rahu Mahadasha Moon Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Rahu, the Moon's Antardasha lasts for one year and six months. If Rahu is under the benefic influence of a benefic zodiac and the Moon is conjoined with benefic planets, then in the Mahadasha of Rahu, the person progresses in the field of fine arts and gets respect. The native gets moderate results. They lead a happy life with the blessings of their soulmates. In the Antardasha of an inauspicious and weak Moon, the person is prone to unstable tendencies and worries. The person suffers from physical pain and remains fearful.


Rahu Mahadasha Ketu Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Rahu, the Antardasha of Ketu lasts for one year and eighty days. In the Mahadasha of Rahu, the result of Ketu's Antardasha is inauspicious. The person's intellect gets corrupted. There may be a tendency to commit misdeeds in the company of lowly people. The native also earns money through moral means. The native indulges in bad addictions. There may be an atmosphere of discord in the house of the native. There is rebellion or differences between the person with the relatives.


Rahu Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Rahu, the Antardasha of Guru is of two years, four months, and twenty-four days. If Rahu is in benefic sign and influence, then the Antardasha of Jupiter in auspicious sign and influence gives progress to the native. Generally, in the Mahadasha of Rahu, the Antardasha of Guru has a moderate effect. The interest of the person in tantra-mantra etc. can also increase. Many times the person does unthinking work. In the Mahadasha of inauspicious Rahu, the person's intellect becomes tainted with inauspicious influence, and in the Antardasha of an enemy sign or a debilitated Jupiter. The native does his own harm due to their intellect. 


Rahu Mahadasha Saturn Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Rahu, Saturn's Antardasha is for two years, ten months, and six days. In the Antardasha of Saturn, benefits and respect are received. The natives can get special benefits from the west direction and the lower class. The native is skilled in political work. In the Mahadasha of inauspicious Rahu, in the Antardasha of inauspicious Saturn, the person remains disturbed, confused, and restless. Unknown pain haunts the native. If a person becomes ill, the cause of his illness cannot be known for a long time. The person wanders in vain and remains unhappy and suffering.


Rahu Mahadasha Mars Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Rahu, the Antardasha of Mars lasts for one year and eighteen days. If Mars is exalted or in self-sign in benefic Rahu, conjoined or aspected by auspicious planets in the center or triangle, then the person remains enthusiastic in Rahu Mahadasha, Mars in Antardasha. Achieve victory over your opponents. If there is one auspicious and one inauspicious in Mahadasha and Antardasha, then mixed results are obtained. If both Rahu and Saturn are in an inauspicious position, then the person has to face many problems. There is discord here because of unnecessary anger. If you want to know more about Antardasha and Mahadasha, then you can know with the advice of astrology, astrology can tell a lot about it by analyzing your horoscope. Astrology will also tell which planet's Mahadasha is going on in your Kundali and can help you only to get rid of Mahadasha.

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