Rahu in Shatbhisha Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects
If Rahu is in Shatbhisha Nakshatra, then the person is an expert in doing inauspicious deeds, clever, expert in getting his work done by dodging, and suffers from Vata. If Sun is in conjunction with Mercury, then tuberculosis occurs.
According to Vedic astrology, the person in this Nakshatra is a person who achieves good success in the field of medicine, explorer, is interested in science, distant thinker, knowledgeable in philosophy. The male native of this Nakshatra is fair complexioned, delicate body, has good memory power, a big head, charming eyes, a glowing face, a big belly, beautiful nose.
The female native of this Nakshatra is weak in body, slim in appearance, beautiful, attractive, fair-cheeked, good-mannered, and pink-lipped. Female natives have to face problems for a long time in their married life. Many women also become widows in this.
According to Vedic astrology, the deity of Shatabhisha Nakshatra is Varuna. If the native's birth constellation is Shatabhisha and it is in a sinful or inauspicious condition, then the native may have to bear its negative effects, in which physical problems are the most. If the person wants to avoid its negative effects, then measures should be taken for this, with the help of which its inauspicious effects can be reduced.
Rahu in Shatbhisha Nakshatra Pada 1
In this phase, the person does wrong things and earns money from them, works cleverly, creates obstacles in the work of others, and harms others for progress in his business.
Rahu in Shatbhisha Nakshatra Pada 2
In this phase, the person is deceitful, says wrong things, behaves indecently with people in society, engages in sexual activity, discriminates against others, and gives his secrets with difficulty.
Rahu in Shatbhisha Nakshatra Pada 3
In this phase, the person has the same qualities as in the second phase. The person lives in the wrong company and earns money through illegal activities.
Rahu in Shatbhisha Nakshatra Pada 4
In this phase, the person has the same qualities as in the first phase, but the person cleverly gets people to get his work done and suffers from gout.
If there is Rahu in Shatabhisha Nakshatra, then the person is a cheater, bitter and bitter in speaking and saying, a great addict, giving and taking discrimination. If it is conjunct or conjunct with Saturn, then the above fruits are intense, and if conjunct or conjunct with Mars, then there is violence in the above fruits. To know about the effect of Rahu in Shatabhisha Nakshatra, go to an astrology phone consultation.