Rahu in Moola Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects
If Rahu is in Moola Nakshatra, if there is Shani, Moon in Pushya Nakshatra, then the male person will be under mental tension due to his child, the female person will suffer from uterine disorders and will suffer mental agony due to the son. If Mrigashirsha Nakshatra is ascendant, then the female native will be the reason for the destruction of her family and will be deprived of happiness.
According to Vedic astrology, the Moola Nakshatra is known as Atigand Nakshatra. It is also considered an indicator of luck. The person born in this constellation is financially strong as well as leads a happy life. To learn anything, the person studies it deeply, works diligently, works hard for the increase of knowledge, becomes the cause of family discord, calm natured but proud.
The person is desirous of becoming a big, unstable, connoisseur of more than one art, most talkative in a quiet environment, proud talker. If the person tries to know about a subject, then he ignores everything in front of him but is able to get good information on that subject. The person born in this Nakshatra is a good speaker in society, a doctor, a good step in politics, and a teacher who has a relationship with the soul and the divine.
Rahu in Moola Nakshatra Pada 1
If there is Shani, Chandra, in Pushya Nakshatra, then the male person will suffer from mental stress due to his child, and the female person will suffer from uterine disorders and will have to bear mental troubles due to the son.
Rahu in Moola Nakshatra Pada 2
If Mrigashirsha Nakshatra is the Lagna, then the female native will become the reason for the destruction of her family and will wander here and there for happiness.
Rahu in Moola Nakshatra Pada 3
In this phase, the person is full of the knowledge of Vedas, landlord, house-vehicle, etc. but he gives it to a woman his half age [about 50 to 60 years]. If Moon is in Jyestha Nakshatra, then these results are definitely seen.
Rahu in Moola Nakshatra Pada 4
In this phase, the person will live with a high-ranking official, travel with officials, and live with Vaishya women without worrying about society. If Vishakha is in the ascendant in the first or second phase, then the person will definitely see these results.
If there is Rahu in Mula Nakshatra, then the person will be a very scholar in Vedas and will be rich in land and property, which he will give to a woman in the fifth decade. If Moon is in Jyestha Nakshatra then these results will definitely happen. The native will be a capable officer and will travel abroad, but will be of shameless character. If Visakha is the first or second phase of Lagna, then these results will definitely happen. Talk to astrology┬аto know about the effect of Rahu in Moola Nakshatra on the native.