Rahu in Dhanishtha Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects
If there is Rahu in Dhanishta Nakshatra, then the person will be very educated, and wealthy, but cunning, and cruel, and will be abandoned by the family. The person will be very educated, and wealthy. If Saturn is aspected, then there is a skin or leprosy patient.
According to Vedic astrology, the native will progress in the middle of his life. The person is full of wealth, landlord, worshiped like a head in the society, influential politician, doing any work for greed, mean, fond of listening to songs. The person is very fond of singing and playing. The people of this constellation are the ones who travel the most.
The male natives of Dhanishtha Nakshatra are attractive, helpful to the needy, and do not give trouble to anyone in their own life. If someone harms or threatens the person, then he is going to take his revenge like an elephant. Females are the ones who fascinate everyone with their beauty. The women of this Nakshatra are beautiful and attractive looking even after being half their age.
According to Vedic astrology, the deity of Dhanishta Nakshatra is Vasu. Who are also considered to be eight Vasus, the deities of Dhanishtha Nakshatra? If a person's birth constellation is Dhanishta and it is in a sinful or inauspicious condition, then the person should take measures for it, with the help of which its inauspicious effects can be reduced.
Rahu in Dhanishtha Nakshatra Pada 1
In this phase, the person is highly educated, full of wealth, cruel, and abandoned by the family. The person is lazy towards his work.
Rahu in Dhanishtha Nakshatra Pada 2
In this phase, the person has the same qualities as in the first phase, but if there is an aspect of Saturn, then the person will be a hunter for skin-related diseases.
Rahu in Dhanishtha Nakshatra Pada 3
In this phase, the person is egoistic, harming others for his own benefit, and merciless. If there is an aspect of the Sun and Mercury in this phase, then the person will progress quickly and will fall down quickly.
Rahu in Dhanishtha Nakshatra Pada 4
In this phase, the family of the native will be afraid. If the hand is ascendant and meets with the moon, then the person will prove to be troublesome for the mother at the age of seven.
If there is Rahu in Dhanishta Nakshatra, then the person is proud, cruel, and gives pain to others. If there is an aspect of Sun-Mercury, there is unexpected progress and unexpected downfall. 24, 31, and 47 years of age are negative. There will be a danger to the family of the native. If Hasta Nakshatra is ascendant and conjunct with Moon, then the mother is in danger at the age of seven, and there is only one sibling of the opposite sex. Online astrology consultation to know about the effect of Rahu in Dhanishtha Nakshatra.