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Rahu in 12th House Effects of All Zodiac Signs

Rahu in 12th House Effects of All Zodiac Signs

In Vedic astrology, the twelfth house of the horoscope is also known as the house of expenditure. Debts, loss, going abroad, renunciation, immoral conduct, addiction, secret enemy, suicide, jail journey, and litigation are also considered for the native. Know the effects of Rahu being in the twelfth house.

If Rahu is placed in the twelfth house of the birth chart, then the person becomes mighty and successful. Rahu in the twelfth house makes the natives charitable and spiritual. Such people are interested in Vedas and Vedanta and the nature of the person can be like a monk. This position of Rahu makes the native extremely sociable and benevolent. The person achieves the pinnacle of progress through the power of his hard work.

Rahu sitting in the Vyasthan of the horoscope destroys the enemies of the native and makes him gain money through various institutions. If such people keep sitting in one place, then all their wishes will be fulfilled automatically. Sometimes this position of Rahu makes the native away from his birthplace.


Rahu in 12th House for Aries


Rahu in Aries in the 12th house will convert Rahu to Mars. On the other hand, the inherent character of Rahu's gluttony will not change. Rahu in Aries in the 12th house signifies a person who is destined to live in a foreign land. These people look for personality and ego in other countries, because Aries is the sign of personality and ego. Strange things are represented by Rahu and the 12th house, thus traveling to an exotic place is easy here.


Rahu in 12th House for Taurus


Rahu in Taurus in the 12th house will convert Rahu to Venus. On the other hand, the inherent character of Rahu's gluttony will not change. Rahu in Taurus in the twelfth house indicates that a person gains a lot of wealth from other lands or spirituality. They are those filthy rich. Because Rahu is involved, they may have some misunderstanding about their source of income, which means they may be cheating others in the name of spirituality.


Rahu in 12th House for Gemini


If Gemini sits in the 12th house, it indicates someone who is very talkative. It is difficult to keep this person silent. They are robbers. Foreign lands/MNCs give them a lot, but they also give a lot to them. They can work in multinational companies in any field where communication and consulting are important aspects of the job.


Rahu in 12th House for Cancer


Rahu in Cancer in the 12th house will convert Rahu to Moon. On the other hand, the basic essence of Rahu's gluttony will remain present. Rahu in Cancer in the 12th house indicates that this native/spouse will be very emotional. However, because Rahu is an inauspicious planet, it may indicate that someone is manipulating emotions for personal gain. As Rahu signifies foreign things, this position will undoubtedly connect the spouses to foreign places.


Rahu in 12th House for Leo


Rahu in Leo in the 12th house will convert Rahu to Sun. As a result, it will be similar to the Sun in the 12th house, as mentioned earlier, but the main character of Rahu will remain gluttony. They can do anything to become famous. They will act in a positive or negative way depending on the position of the Sun now. Rahu is the planet that casts a gloomy shadow on Leo at the same time.


Rahu in 12th House for Virgo


Rahu in Virgo in the 12th house will convert Rahu to Mercury. Rahu's adamant character will not change. Rahu in Virgo in the 12th house indicates a perfectionist. They can talk non-stop. They are stingy with their money and have a hard time saving up. Rahu signifies medicines, while Virgo represents medical activities, thus they can work well together in health care.


Rahu in 12th House for Libra


Rahu in Libra in the 12th house will convert Rahu to Venus. As a result, it will be like Venus in the 12th house, as mentioned earlier, but Rahu's main appetite character will remain. This will make a person first and foremost in this position. This person finds it extremely difficult to save money.


Rahu in 12th House for Scorpio


Rahu in Scorpio in the 12th house will make the person spendthrift. This person has difficulty saving money in any way. Being born in Scorpio means that this person can enter the demonic realm in their nightmares and see things like ghosts.


Rahu in 12th House for Sagittarius


Rahu in Sagittarius in the 12th house indicates someone who has a strong desire to learn about other religions and civilizations, and who is practically attached to religious thought. Also, Rahu in the 12th house makes a person spendthrift, so they should budget carefully.


Rahu in 12th House for Capricorn


Rahu in Capricorn in the 12th house is the clearest indicator of abroad settlement. In foreign lands, any person who has such a position and Rahu is passing through MD can get financial prosperity and fulfillment of all material aspirations.


Rahu in 12th House for Aquarius


Rahu in Aquarius in the 12th house will convert Rahu to Shani. On the other hand, the inherent character of Rahu's gluttony will not change. Rahu in Aquarius in the 12th house represents a person who either works for multinational companies in the technical/scientific field or is a brilliant innovator himself.


Rahu in 12th House for Pisces


Rahu in Pisces in the 12th house will convert Rahu to Jupiter. Rahu in Pisces in the 12th house changes from Demon Rahu to Deity Rahu. Since Pisces is a spiritual sign, these people will be busy with spiritual matters. They'll be fascinated by learning all there is to know about religion, spirituality, and the occult. They will have strange ideas and may even create their own religion.


Rahu placed in the twelfth house gives some instability in the initial period of life due to which the native has to wander here and there for his livelihood. Being away from their birthplace, such people get lucky and earn a lot. Such people should stay away from deceit and discretion. Rahu can also show the face of the hospital or jail to such people for indulging in any kind of meanness and sinful activities. Through Astrology Phone Consultation, you can know about the effect of Rahu in the 12th house according to your zodiac.

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