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Rahu in 11th House for Zodiac Signs

Rahu in 11th House for Zodiac Signs

In Vedic astrology, the eleventh house of the horoscope is called beneficence. From this gesture, the person gets to know about the wealth, profit, and income received in life by his friends, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, gifts, and income in different ways.┬а

Such people are physically strong and strong and they get long life. Rahu in the eleventh house not only makes the native hard working, but the native also develops a love for poets and poems.

Rahu in the eleventh house provides opportunities for the native to earn money from abroad. Many times such people have been seen to gain money unethically as well. They have different sources of income and they have different types of vehicles. Such people sometimes become very arrogant and waste both their currency and time by getting into unnecessary disputes. Such people should not earn money through cheating and fraud as far as possible, otherwise, there may be problems related to children.


Rahu in 11th House for Aries


As Ketu separates a person from things related to the house he is living in, here it separates a person from the concept of working in a corporate. They are the least concerned about money and hence the universe blesses them with enormous wealth. They do not desire to possess anyone and yet they achieve it.


Rahu in 11th House for Taurus


The natives will be extremely wealthy. Taurus is the symbol of wealth and Rahu explodes wealth here. They gain through their research-oriented work in large organizations or through sudden events like inheritance or lottery. Especially, in Rahu MD, it can make a person super rich. But inauspicious planets are of inauspicious nature. This person is equally active in spending money and that too in useless work. Hence, they may prefer to work towards this practice.


Rahu in 11th House for Gemini


Rahu in Gemini in the eleventh house will convert Rahu to Mercury as Rahu changes its nature according to its zodiac lord. Along with this, Rahu's basic nature of being greedy will remain there. The native will be highly communicative, almost obsessive. They have huge network circles. Here the partner must be working in the communication field in a big organization. Will get profit from foreign sources. A spouse can be of different castes also. Profit will be immense but with Rahu, it is that it bestows wealth and also spends it. Hence, the couple needs to work extremely hard to save money. Communication is essential to keep the relationship alive.


Rahu in 11th House for Cancer


Rahu in Cancer in the eleventh house will transform Rahu into Moon as Rahu changes its nature according to the lord of the sign. Hence, it will become like Moon in the eleventh house as discussed above but at the same time, Rahu's basic nature of being greedy will remain there. Rahu in Cancer in the eleventh house represents a person who exhibits excessive behavior. It represents someone working in a big organization in a foreign land and having a foreign source of earnings. Otherwise, there will always be confusion regarding the source of his income. This means that they may be involved in cheating others for money.


Rahu in 11th House for Leo


Rahu in Leo in the eleventh house will convert Rahu to Sun as Rahu changes its nature according to the lord of its sign. Rahu's basic nature of being greedy will remain there. The person is power-hungry and money hungry. They are very ambitious. Their income will be from foreign sources. They will gain authority by illusion or deceit. Since Rahu is inauspicious, they will earn a lot and a lot. They can get good authority in big organizations.


Rahu in 11th House for Virgo


Rahu in Virgo in the eleventh house will convert Rahu to Mercury as Rahu changes its nature according to the lord of the zodiac. Hence, it will become similar to Mercury in the eleventh house as discussed above but at the same time, Rahu's basic nature of being greedy will remain there. The person is greedy for money. He wants to earn more and more money and is never satisfied. Since Virgo symbolizes healing and Rahu represents strange things, it shows the benefits of the individual through the methods of alternative medicine. There is some illusion associated with his money, i.e. he can cheat people in order to gain money. The native can leave his mother and home and settle abroad. It also gives good career in MNCs.


Rahu in 11th House for Libra


Native works in the field of technology and science. Now, this they can do by working under an organization or through their own private business as Libra is the symbol of business. As much as Rahu in Libra makes a person obsessed with relationships, they also desire an ideal relationship.


Rahu in 11th House for Scorpio


Rahu in Scorpio in the eleventh house again represents someone who is working for multinational companies and is in the most problematic working conditions. As Rahu is an illusion, it sometimes shows in the eleventh house also that one is earning by fooling others. In a positive way, we can say that mostly it is seen in the horoscope of magicians.


Rahu in 11th House for Sagittarius


Rahu in Sagittarius in the eleventh house represents someone who has a very peculiar understanding of spirituality and religion. It may be correct but it is unorthodox and not accepted by society. Here people earn from foreign resources. Foreign lands and multinational companies become a major source of income.


Rahu in 11th House for Capricorn


Rahu in Capricorn in the eleventh house will transform Rahu to Shani as Rahu changes its nature according to the lord of the zodiac. Along with this, Rahu's basic nature of being greedy will remain there. The native will occupy a high position in a large government or private organization. It may also represent possession of foreign land or foreign companies. Also, the transit of Rahu in the eleventh house indicates that the native may have a hidden source of wealth or people will not have proper information about the wealth of the native. In some situations, it also means that the native earns by cheating.


Rahu in 11th House for Aquarius


Rahu in Aquarius in the eleventh house will convert Rahu to Shani as Rahu changes its nature according to its lord of the zodiac. Rahu in Aquarius in the eleventh house displays a person who is all into new-age technology and scientific inventions. Every innovative idea like Google, Twitter, etc comes to their mind.


Rahu in 11th House for Pisces


Rahu in Pisces in the eleventh house will convert Rahu to Jupiter as Rahu changes its nature according to its lord. Along with this, Rahu's basic nature of being greedy will remain there. Rahu in Pisces in the eleventh house basically shows a person obsessed with spirituality. The natives are going to bring all the people on the spiritual path. Extremely knowledgeable person and born to bring social welfare through spirituality. They may have peculiar religious views and may even start their own religion.


Rahu placed in the eleventh house makes the person attractive and reticent, such a person has knowledge of various scriptures and the person is able to control his senses. Rahu sitting here also gives scholarly and humorous nature to the Jatak. This position of Rahu takes the native to a great level and his fame spreads in all four directions. The friendship of such people is with clever people who benefit them in many ways during their lifetime. Through Astrology Phone Consultation, you can know about the effect of Rahu in the 11th house according to your zodiac sign.

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