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Rahu Impact On Various Zodiac Signs

Rahu Impact On Various Zodiac Signs

Rahu is a dominant planet. It is also said about Rahu that if he is in an auspicious position in the horoscope of a person, then it makes him a king from rank. At the same time, when it is inauspicious, then the person goes from king to rank. If it is inauspicious, then the person becomes addicted to addiction. Therefore it is necessary to keep Rahu calm. Rahu is also considered the cause of sudden events in life. If it happens in an auspicious position, one can get a lot of success in life. At the same time, an inauspicious situation creates panic in a person's life.


Rahu Effects On Zodiac Sign 


Rahu in Aries


Due to the placement of Rahu in Aries, the person is weak in strength. The person remains dependent on others. The person is lazy. And is unable to complete his tasks. The person is irrational and angry. The native also has an irritable nature.


Rahu in Taurus 


Due to the placement of Rahu in Taurus, the person is of fickle nature. There is no special attraction in the person in appearance. The person is happy. The caste speaks more and is also expensive.


Rahu in Gemini 


Gemini is considered to be an exalted sign of Rahu. The placement of Rahu in Gemini makes the person strong. The person has a long life. The native is a yoga practitioner. The native gets sudden wealth. The person is happy and prosperous.


Rahu in Cancer 


The lord of the Cancer zodiac is the Moon, which is the ultimate enemy of Rahu. Rahu is situated in Cancer sign gives inauspicious results. Due to the placement of Rahu in Cancer, the person is narrow-mindedness. The person is troubled by himself. The person is also haunted by unnecessary worries. The person is sick and moneyless. The native has a generous heart.


Rahu in Leo Leo

Sun is the lord of the Leo sign. Like the Moon, the Sun is also the ultimate enemy of Rahu. Being situated in the Leo zodiac, the person becomes worried and fearful. The native is also a clever strategist and thinker. The person is full.


Rahu in Virgo Virgo

Mercury is the lord of Virgo. Under the influence of Rahu in Virgo, the person becomes an art lover. The native takes interest in public works. The native has an inclination toward literature and art. The native can also be a poet, singer, and writer.


Rahu in Libra Libra

Due to the influence of Rahu in Libra, the person becomes efficient. Even though the person has money, that money is not utilized on time. The native may have dental complaints.


Rahu in Scorpio 


Due to the placement of Rahu in the sign of Scorpio, the person becomes cunning. The person is a destroyer of wealth. Because of this, they are poor. The person is of cunning nature. The native also suffers from the disease. The person is arrogant.


Rahu in Sagittarius 


Rahu is debilitated in Sagittarius, due to which it gives low and inauspicious results. Being situated in the Sagittarius sign makes the person unhappy. The person is happy in childhood. The person adopts someone's place. The native rebels against his friends. The person does unthinking and sudden actions, due to which the person becomes a subject of condemnation.


Rahu in Capricorn 



The lord of Capricorn is Saturn, which is a cruel and vengeful planet. Rahu being in Capricorn brings cruelty to the native. The person is a liar. The native is family inferior. The native is hardworking and prosperous. The person can settle abroad.


Rahu in Aquarius 



Rahu in Aquarius has more inauspicious effects than Capricorn. The person does not believe in God at all. The person does not even have a family. The native is indulging in some kind of addiction. The native takes pleasure in criticizing others.


Rahu in Pisces 



Due to the placement of Rahu in Pisces, the person becomes a believer. Such a person is born into a noble family and is peace-loving. The native is artistic and efficient.




If you have faced a lot of problems due to the Rahu planet, then you can talk to astrology according to the zodiac and know about its remedy.

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