Know about the Pisces Biggest Fear
Pisces is the last zodiac sign in the zodiac, which comes in the twelfth position and is ruled by the planet Jupiter, among the five elements, it is a water element. In the body of Kalpurush, the jurisdiction of Pisces is on the feet. There are three lords of this zodiac whose lord is Jupiter, Moon, and Mars respectively, in which Jupiter is a symbol of knowledge, understanding, self-analysis, responsibility, fame, and a big heart, Moon's secret worry of mind, the fickleness of mind, haste, ideological instability. And is a symbol of insults in life, Mars is a symbol of strength, leadership, ability, anger, loyalty, stubbornness, and courage.
Those people whose position of Jupiter and Mars will be in auspicious and friendly signs in their birth chart, those who enjoy all the pleasures of life while staying in high positions in their life, and in whose birth charts the Moon is debilitated, Mars in the twelfth house. Whether or not these three planets are under the bad influence of the enemy zodiac, then the condition of the person remains pathetic throughout his life.
Due to the presence of the planet Jupiter, all the qualities of Jupiter are found in them. Jupiter is a symbol of pure knowledge and understanding and you will get to see the expansion of these two qualities easily in every branch of your life, from the seriousness of listening to someone to telling your point to the person in front of you every moment. The wisdom and understanding hidden inside will continue to be seen. He is always ready to give knowledge and take knowledge.
Due to the planet Jupiter, they easily learn any complex task, they know very well how to do the most complex tasks in the simplest way. They have special kindness and compassion towards all beings. They always analyze his life of himself and the people he knows and purifies himself of the disorders related to him.
Due to the presence of the lord Moon, there is a special interest in art and music in them. Due to the possession of the Moon at the place of intellect, fickleness is also seen in them and due to this fickleness, they are never able to keep their thoughts fixed in one direction. You can also consider ideological instability as their biggest demerit, but my point of view considers this instability as the main factor of the ideological movement.
Through the fast process of brainstorming, they take the decision of doing or not doing any work very quickly, due to which the people with them do not understand them. Due to the fickle effect of the Moon, they are never able to maintain their interest in any traditional work and are always trying to change the traditional work in a new way.
Due to the presence of lord Mars, courage and valor are filled in them, but these people do not show their courage by participating in war or fighting with anyone. These people are intelligent and know that nothing can be proved by fighting, so in case of a dispute or quarrel, their main priority is correct logic and verbal opposition. As far as saving the life of a person is concerned, these people can go to the cruelest level of fighting but given the time and the sensitivity of the issue. Their Mars is always influenced by Jupiter, due to which these people show tolerance instead of being furious.
Lord Brihaspati infuses all those qualities in him, due to which he should be constantly moving towards spiritual life while analyzing himself. Compassion, mercy, and forgiveness are the highest in him and among all other zodiac signs. The pairing of the zodiac sign fishes shows the importance of a life partner in their life and shows how important their life partner is to them.
This zodiac with the water element is as simple as water and is like the simplest form of life. You will see their thoughts, their way of doing things, their way of speaking, the way of clarifying the facts, the way of walking, the way of sitting, the movement of the eyes, the special harmony and amazing simplicity among all.
No matter how complex the task is given to them, these people will be seen doing it with such ease and ease that they will be bewildered how it is possible. You can understand this fact from the fact the speed of water in which big and powerful animals are drowned, and how easily the fish move at that velocity, in the same way, these people also deal with complex tasks and problems easily. Is.
Along with discussing their good qualities, people often discuss their demerits. The biggest demerit of their life, which many people believe, manifests itself from within them and that is faith, the word faith is associated with God, which arises in them due to the planet Jupiter and it is not a demerit but a virtue.
Their simplicity makes them stand at the door of life where they cannot do anything other than suffer unbearable pain. These people are very intelligent but the forgiving ones are bigger than that, even after apologizing after committing a mistake, they forgive very quickly and this is the seed of another betrayal. Getting betrayed by the people around him, he also tries to keep a safe distance from all the people, but in the meantime, another allegation is made against him and he is arrogant and arrogant suffering from loneliness but this does not happen.
These people are also very worried about their family and life partner and keep working hard day and night for their needs and taking life to the highest level in their efforts to be successful. No matter how negative the situation may be, these people never allow the pain in their minds to reach their family and life partner and keep suffocating inside all the troubles silently, but do not stop trying.
This long and continuous chain of efforts gives rise to the biggest fear in their mind. Yes, the biggest fear of their mind is that the efforts being made by them for their family and spouse should not be unsuccessful, may the failure of these efforts not affect the behavior and respect of the spouse, somewhere the family or spouse. Do not get separated from them for this reason, in the same way, this fear dominates them and they remain troubled.
Tips to get rid of fear for Pisces
Compassionate, forgiving, and believing in believing, these three qualities are also present in God and he gave birth to you on this earth with some great purpose. If someone cheats on you in life, it means that he was not worthy of you, so God removed that particular person from your life. Make your faith stronger and understand that the efforts made by you are slowly succeeding due to time and destiny, but one day it will definitely be successful. In the end, I would like to say one more thing one may lose faith in human beings but keep your unwavering faith in God and keep on doing your good efforts.
When fear settles inside Pisces people, they go into depression. If you are a Pisces┬аand you want to get rid of fear, talk to astrology.